2018 Joint Lone Star Chapter/Houston Group Executive Committee Candidate Profiles

Lone Star Chapter Candidates

Name: Derek Eckert

Derek Eckert

Profile: As a lifelong environmentalist I have always felt the need to nurture and restore the earth to its natural habitat. My love of the land and passion for its rehabilitation and beautification were the driving forces that led me to major in Ecology in college. Rather than pursue a graduate degree in biology I chose to work straight out of college and found myself in the finance business. After more than 20 years of working at large firms I realized a long-time dream and managed to merge my expertise in personal finance with my passion for the planet: I founded an investment management firm which specializes in environmental investing. I believe this is one of the most impactful ways to steer corporations into sustainable practices, which ultimately, will reward shareholders as well.

I am proud to be a member of Sierra Club and evangelize its mission on any platform available. As a member of the Executive Committee I would aim to increase membership by focusing on children and teens. Opening their eyes to wonders of nature and connecting to the physical world are, unfortunately, somewhat novel in this digital age. Offering such experiences at a young age can forge lifelong passions. Thankfully our younger generations realize the urgency of all environmental matters and I believe they are our best hope to resolve them. As a financial planner I also would work to increase the participation of members contributions via lifetime gifting such as charitable gift annuities. I also have chaired several charitable events and would be ambitious in fundraising goals. I thank you for your consideration and promise to bring great energy and excitement to everything that is Sierra Club.

Name: Flavia De La Fuente

Flavia De La Fuente

Profile: The Sierra Club's motto of explore, enjoy, and protect the planet reflects my own values. My husband and I are teaching our children to explore and enjoy the outdoors. Equally important, we also took our children into the voting booth this fall, to protect the planet.

My priorities on Lone Star Chapter ExCom would likely be:

1) Political work. As a member of the Austin Political Committee this year, I led a fundraising effort that raised $3000 and paid for a staff-member’s time to coordinate Get Out the Vote efforts for endorsed candidates, resulting in hundreds of doors knocked, hundreds of calls made, hundreds of environmental voters activated, and two state house seats flipping. By way of these efforts, elected officials understand that the environment/climate change/wild spaces are issues that are important to the grassroots. For 2020, I want to build a war chest and flood the state with volunteers knocking on doors for the sake of the planet.

2) Sharing across groups within the state. Different groups have different strengths and we need a stronger organizational function that enables people to share and learn from each other. This can take the form of case studies and toolboxes.

My professional background: I worked as an organizer for the Sierra Club on the Beyond Coal campaign from 2010 to 2013. Today, I'm a professional investor with a state agency. MBA, UT at Austin, BA from UCLA, political science. 

Name: John Hertz

John Hertz
Profile: I am an architect, academic, author and investigator dedicated to issues of sustainability. I have written extensively in English, Spanish and Portuguese on the theme of sustainable architecture and urbanism, and most recently my book “Arquitectura Tropical” was published by the Universidad Ricardo Palma in Lima. As an architect I have won multiple awards for sustainable projects in the US and Latin America, starting in the 1970s with groundbreaking passive solar work. My academic experience stretches over decades in universities in Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Puerto Rico and the US, including as Dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Puerto Rico, which has an operational budget of over $2.5 million and over 30 staff. I was heavily involved in fundraising, establishing a non-profit arm for the School which included community service and outreach. As an investigator I have generated over $1 million in grants from entities including the National Endowment for the Arts, Department of Energy and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, among others.
My areas of expertise and interest include: green architecture and urban development, alternative energy and energy conservation, sustainability (in its three aspects of environmental justice, social equality and environmental responsibility), and water conservation.

I have been a Sierra Club member for decades, was the Green Building Chair of the Alamo Sierra Club and a contributor to the Alamo Sierran. I have served on other organizations including the San Antonio Historic Design and Review Commission and as President of King’s Court Housing Foundation, a CHODO and 501-C3 organization.

All these skills and experiences would be directly benefit the Ex Com if selected to serve, and I would be honored by the opportunity.

Name: Martha Elena Pena

Martha Elena Pena

Profile: For me, the most important part of serving on the Lone Star Executive Committee this past year, has been bringing the perspective and voice of those who live in our beautiful, South Texas borderland communities to the table. It was also a privilege to serve as the Council of Club Leaders delegate. I have learned so much from my fellow ExCom members and know that together we can continue to do good work. Even though we all come from different parts of Texas, there are common threads that bind us all together. Unity in fighting pipelines, LNG facilities and the border wall is so important in our current climate. It brings me even more hope knowing that we are standing together to make a difference. I still want to be a kayaktivist when I grow up. Should you entrust me with your vote, I promise to continue bringing the love I have for South Texas to the Lone Star Executive Committee.

Name: Sean Winn

Sean Winn
Profile: With the EPA actively seeking to undermine environmental protections, suburban sprawl, and water pollution, threats to our environment are significant. I would like to help the Sierra Club be as forceful as possible in protecting Texas’ environment. Although my direct environmental experience is limited to going solar and working with conservation projects on the family farm, I still have much to bring to the table in the way of operational and financial experience. These complimentary skills, along with bridge-building between stakeholders, were gained most notably as the COO of a small private equity fund. Amongst my goals would be to maximize the positive impact of the organization through prioritization of projects. Despite a career based in urban cities, I’m still happiest under a canopy of trees with the sound of birds nearby. I grew up in a rural farming community in Texas, spending my time running through woods and playing at the edge of creeks as a child. I consider myself lucky to have had access to so much natural space, and wish that everyone could experience nature in the same way.

Candidate: Craig Nazor

Craig Nazor

Profile: Craig Nazor, DMA, is an Austin musician (pianist/composer/teacher) by trade, and is a lifetime environmentalist and is currently the vice-chair of the Lone Star Sierra Club Conservation Committee, and member of the Austin Group Conservation Committee. Craig grew up in Ashtabula, Ohio, along the shores of Lake Erie, where he witnessed the creation of an EPA superfund site that is still considered one of the ten most toxic beaches in the USA. After graduating from college and spending eight years in NYC as a touring performer, Craig moved to Louisiana to obtain a Masters degree, where he became President of the Natchitoches Audubon Society and spearheaded a campaign to oppose the Red River Waterway project, which was eventually successful. Since moving to Austin in 1987 to obtain a doctorate from UT, Craig has been involved with environmental campaigns by Clean Water Action, the SOS Alliance, the Save Barton Creek Association, and the Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group.  Sierra Club campaigns Craig has been involved in include: passing Austin's Single-use Bag Ordinance, protecting the Jollyville Plateau salamander, ending Austin’s and Travis County’s contract with USDA Wildlife Services for predator control (particularly targeting coyotes), protecting Texas turtles, supporting parkland acquisition, and protecting water quality. He has received a Keep Austin Beautiful award for creek cleanup efforts, and has been recognized for assisting riparian restoration projects by the Austin Watershed Protection Department. Craig believes that living in a clean environment and stable climate, and having access to clean water and healthy food is a human right that needs to be defended from those who would sacrifice these rights for money or power. 


Houston Regional Group Candidates

Candidate: Sandy Spears

Sandy Spears

Profile: I would love to help the Houston Sierra Club further their mission. I currently am also co-leading educational meetings monthly on climate change at my house and at other houses through 350.org Houston. My past experiences that I can draw from are:

  1. Co-leading a climate forum for Beto and CD 7 candidates. 450 attendees plus 12,000 livestreams
  2. Co-authored with my daughter climate and clean energy solution papers tailored to 160 house and senate Texas democratic candidates. Presented them to 50 of these members at the TX Democratic convention in June.
  3. Knocked on 2700 doors during this past election cycle for Beto, Lizzie and Rita (TX SD17).
  4. Prepared a list of 250 climate champions and organizations in the country and sent Beto social media clips to them.
  5. Have run a climate club for 3 years (took a 6 month break).
  6. Climate Reality trained.
  7. Have lobbied at 10 meetings for CCL for a carbon tax.
  8. On a committee to vet City Council candidates to see if they are advocates of the environment.

Ideas for the club: educate current TX legislators on the urgency of climate change and solutions using my paper as a resource. Educate ourselves on how best to protect our coast and whether the current coastal spine proposal is best for the bay area ecosystems.


Candidate: Colleen Neely

Colleen Neely

Profile: I have been a Sierra Club volunteer/ member since early 2018. I have participated in a variety of activities with the Club – prairie restoration, wetlands planting, monthly meetings, outings/ hikes, and most recently a “stand-in” Ex-Com Member. The past year with the club has been extremely educational and eye-opening – I have seen the value and impact of the activities (outings, monthly meetings, outreach etc) as well as the activism of the Sierra Club. The Houston Group of the Sierra Club is an extremely passionate and hard-working group and I am a proud member looking to further my contribution as an Ex-Com Member. I am interested in continuing to learn from my Ex-Com peers to become a better and more engaged environmental activist. I am also interested in becoming an outings leader as my passion for the environment is derived from my time spent outdoors. I want to inspire others the same way I have been inspired. Thank you for your consideration.


Candidate: Meredith Jennings

Meredith Jennings

Profile: I joined the executive committee in June 2018 and am eager to continue working in this role. After finishing my PhD in marine and atmospheric chemistry at the University of Miami, I moved to Houston in September 2017 for a science policy fellowship with the National Academy of Sciences’ Gulf Research Program. Hosted at Harris County Public Health, I was interested in learning how the natural and built environment affect public health and community well being, and was tasked with understanding and communicating how climate change will impact health and community resilience in Harris County, as well as lay a foundation for action at the agency level.  New to the region, I was immediately drawn to the Houston Chapter of the Sierra Club as a resource and platform for environmental advocacy at both local and national levels. I recently began a new position at the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) where I will continue my work on community and climate resilience, but will be able to expand and contribute to research in energy, water, and air quality. I look forward to fostering these connections and hope to expand the outreach of the Houston chapter to attract diverse individuals from various backgrounds with broad interests in climate and environmental conservation to join our programs.


Candidate: Melanie Oldham

Melanie Oldham

Profile: I’m Melanie Oldham, and I live in Freeport, TX, about 50 miles south of Houston on the Gulf of Mexico. In Freeport, we are blessed with beaches, rivers, National Wildlife refuges, and birding areas. However, we are surrounded by industry- DOW Chemical, BASF, and Freeport LNG. In 2006, I started the Citizens for Clean Air/Water group in Brazoria County that meets quarterly. Our group played a part in Brazoria County’s notorious, dirty spent catalyst recycling company, Gulf Chemical + Metallurgical CO, going bankrupt and shutting down. 

I’ve been a healthcare professional for 37 years, and have looked at Public Health statistics related to air/water pollution issues, including ozone. The Houston/Galveston/Brazoria county region continues to be a severe non-attainment area for ozone. I am assisting others in making comments on the Coastal Protection proposed plan (Coastal Barrier), which extends to Freeport, TX.
I have also been a Sierra Club intervenor/declarant with standing in SC legal cases. I grew up camping, hiking, and fishing in the Ozarks of Missouri, and have been living in Texas for 36 years. I enjoy sharing with others my love for the outdoors and wildlife, especially with youth- I have spoken at girls/boys clubs in Freeport, TX in the past.
Please consider me for re-election to the Houston group ExCom.


Candidate: Jennie Rohrer

Jennie Rohrer

Profile: Raised by a Science Teacher, I was always aware how everything is connected on this planet.  I followed that core value and received a Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology and a Master's in Biology.  I worked for Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. as a Fisheries Biologist and presently, I sell instruments for cancer research.  I am the Program Chair for the chapter and would like to join the Executive Committee to be a part of the direction for this club and facilitate interesting and thought provoking discussions for the chapter that could result in change.


Candidate: Michael Honel


Profile: As a Life Member of the Sierra Club, I have always enjoyed the outdoors, having camped since I was a child.  In high school I began birding, later doing a fair amount of backpacking.  I studied ecology and was a science teacher for twenty-five years.  I have always been interested in preserving our natural world.