Harvey Broome Group October 2019 Newsletter




HBG October Program

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 @ 7 PM: Time on the Mountains: One Woman's Lessons and Discoveries along the Pacific Crest Trail

Where: Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, 2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN

Joan Tomlinson, trail name Blue Jay, started hiking the 2650 mile Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) at the California – Mexico border in April 2016 with the intention of getting to the Washington-Canada border to complete a thru hike in one season.  She was drawn back to long distance hiking after completing a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail (AT) in 2014.  Her PCT thru hike turned into a MYTH (multi-year thru hike) as she encountered trail conditions beyond her level of expertise.  She completed her hike of the PCT over a three year period in September of 2018.  
Blue Jay says her PCT experience re-enforced her deeply felt connections to this planet we call home.  She says she saw time written on the mountains, with jagged peaks eroding and giving way to life climbing those same peaks, and that has provided her with a wonderful perspective on the time and space we each hold in the grand scheme of life on Earth.

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HBG Outings

Sat 10/5/19 Backpack. Possum Creek Gorge section of the Cumberland Trail.

Sat 10/12/19  Day Hike. Panther Creek State Park.

Sat 10/19/19  Day Hike. Devil's Racetrack, Cumberland Trail.

Sat 11/2/19    Dayhike. Charlies Bunion (the "Original CB" & Sawtooth), GSMNP.

check the HBG outings page for future events.

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“. . . coal is on the road to becoming completely uninsurable.”  "Even more than divestment of coal shares by banks and managed funds, the withdrawal of insurance has the potential to make coal mining and coal-fired power generation businesses unsustainable.” Read about it in the Aug 12 article by John Quiggin, in The Conversation: http://bit.ly/2lP9eny.

"Trump Administration Denies Protection to Six More Imperiled Species." "The Trump administration has now declined protection for more than 60 species and protected only 18 — the lowest of any president at this point in his administration.” Read the Aug 14 article by Terra Curry (Center for Biological Diversity) in Common Dreams: http://bit.ly/2kg2uyz.

New electric car incentives: KUB Offers Electric Vehicle Charger Rebate. See the Program FAQs, Terms and Conditions at: http://bit.ly/2lKsX7I.

"Why are other southern states installing more solar than Tennessee?" Tennessee lags, ranking (in 2017 report) only 25th in number of residences powered by solar, and only 26th in percent of electricity generated by solar. See the Aug 18 Chattanooga Times Free Press article by David Cook at: http://bit.ly/2kvxOJS.
Related article: See the 2017 rankings report by Choose Energy here: http://bit.ly/2mcVMKh.

In case you are curious about how Trump has fared in in the legal arena — very badly.  It should make you feel better about your donations to environmental organizations! See the Apr 26 Washington Post tally by Fred Barbash et al at:https://wapo.st/2lR8JJi.

TVA news:
Power rates will freeze to current rate for 10 years;
Board ratifies $10.6 bilion budget for year;
Board approved its revised Integrated Resource Plan;
TVA accepted a Tennessee consent order to close the Gallatin coal ash ponds and remove toxic ash;
TVA to add up to 14 gigawatts of solar generation by 2038;
and more . . .
See the expansive summary in the Aug 23 Knoxville News Sentinel article by Jim Gaines at: http://bit.ly/2kIaOr1.

"The man set to become the next Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives defended the role of state government in reversing local ordinances.” Read the Aug 22 Nashville Public Radio piece by Sergio Martinez-Beltran at: http://bit.ly/2lQObAF.

Environmentalists comment on TVA's new power plan: "We're glad TVA is planning for the smart business decision to burn less coal and add more affordable, clean solar to its electricity generation," said Bonnie Swinford, an organizer for the Sierra Club' Beyond Coal Campaign. "But even with the positive strides, TVA should make much bigger investments in energy efficiency to help customers use less electricity and pay lower bills. And they shouldn't just trade burning coal for burning gas, which locks in dangerous greenhouse gas emissions for decades and feeds the climate crisis.”
    Amanda Garcia, managing attorney for the Southern Environmental Law Center's (SELC) Tennessee office, said "Even though TVA's own study highlights the potential for distributed energy resources like energy efficiency and rooftop solar to play a larger role, it appears it's still business as usual for TVA," Garcia said. "This so-called road map for the Valley's energy future focuses on expanding investments in fossil fuels and gaining a monopoly over solar production. TVA is missing a huge opportunity to chart a different course.” Read the August 22 Chattanooga Times Free Press article by Dave Flessner at: http://bit.ly/2lPzGx0.

"Lead found in water from 21 Knox County school faucets: What parents need to know now." 5 micrograms of lead per deciliter is the reference level at which CDC recommends public health actions be initiated. The good news is that testing is being done and some remedial actions taken. The bad news is that 20.9 percent (21 children) of children younger than 6 were tested in 2017 had lead levels greater than the “reference level.” See the Aug 23 Knoxville News Sentinel article by Kristi L. Nelson at: http://bit.ly/2k8eS3o.

"The Recycling Crisis -  Where does it go? What happens to it when it gets there?" Does recycling have a future? How China’s policies and other phenomena have affected the recyclling market. Read the Aug 22 Memphis Flyer article by Alex Greene at:http://bit.ly/2kHQKVx.

More Coal Ash legal troubles on the horizon for TVA. "The New York attorney who helped win money for first responders who were exposed to toxic dust from the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center is now targeting the Tennessee Valley Authority and one of its contractors over coal ash exposure.” TVA has already paid $43 million to Roane County for “economic development,” and $27.8 million for residential property damage. Seems like the “big one,” the issue of health effects to coal ash workers, is looming. See the Aug 29 Knoxville News Sentinel article by Jamie Satterfield: http://bit.ly/2ksS3b3.

Lower Rae Lake in the John Muir Wilderness, California.

A MUST SEE: Something to help lift you out of your depression over environmental problems: Check out this website to read John Muir writings online: http://bit.ly/2lMT7qn.  And by the way, downloads of many Muir books and essays in e-reader formats are available for free at http://bit.ly/2kIbwob. Then scroll down to “Muir, John" or search the page for “Muir, John."

Our Care NET Community Conservation Committee friends hosted the Energy Democracy Tour in Rogersville. A writeup by Allison F. Goley, in the Sept 4 issue of The Rogersville Review can be seen at: http://bit.ly/2kcT7zw.

TDEC Seeks Transit and Shuttle Bus Projects under Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. Read the solicitation here: http://bit.ly/2kwRVHB.

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Please vote in local elections!

Your opportunity to have a voice on the climate issue - please take advantage of it.
This year’s votes for Knoxville City and Knox County elections are critical to our committment in the fight against Climate Change. It’s our chance to have a say in who will make the decisions in this critical period of climate action or inaction. Inaction is tantamount to ignoring the issue and suffering enormous costs to our children and future generations to come. So please
REGISTER if you have not already done so, and VOTE for support of a robust effort to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. Information about voting and election districts can be found, respectively, at the county's website https://www.knoxcounty.org/election/, and the city's website: http://knoxvilletn.gov/residents/newcomer_information/election_information.

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APIEL: the 2019 Appalachian Public Interest Environmental Law Conference

When: Friday, September 27 - Sunday, September 29, Knoxville

Where: University of Tennessee College of Law, 1505 Cumberland Ave, Knoxville, TN 37996

Sponsored by UTK College of Law, Sierra Club, United Mountain Defense (UMD), and others.

At APIEL 2018, Kentucky activists Davis Mounger and Jim Scheff wrap up their presentation, “Winning: It’s a thing: Strategies and stories from the front line of public lands defense.”

APIEL is unique in our region as an informal and lay-friendly opportunity to learn from and connect with environmental lawyers, leaders, and activists concerned with environmental and social justice from all over the country - and it’s open to all. Two days of workshops are scheduled generally two at a time.

“The conference features a series of workshops with the goal of exchanging information, sharing skills, and fostering collaboration between grassroots organizations, the bar, and future lawyers and policy-makers.”

Register to attend, apply to present, and find more info at

Send questions and ideas about the conference to apiel.info@gmail.com

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Other Events

Tennessee Sustainable Transportation Forum, October 1-2, 2019, UT Conference Center, Knoxville. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), and Tennessee Clean Fuels (TNCleanFuels) will hold the fifth annual Tennessee Sustainable Transportation Forum & Expo (STF&E) on October 1-2, 2019 at the UT Conference Center in Knoxville. The research, technology, planning, and policy developments shared at STF&E aim to improve transportation efficiency, reduce vehicle emissions, and address the mobility needs of all. An agenda for the 2019 STF&E will be made available soon. Learn more about STF&E at:  www.sustainabletransportationforum.com. Registration is currently open at http://stfe.eventbrite.com.

Knox Climate Actions has the latest information and events related to climate activism.

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HBG/Chapter Events

Fall FUN Retreat 2019
October 25th through 27th
Pickett CCC Memorial State Park

Join the Tennessee Chapter of the Sierra Club as we host the Fall Fun Retreat. Meet old friends or make new ones. Sierra members and their friends from around the state will be there. Please come and share the experience. Bring your friends.


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Can't donate now? Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards. Kroger donates a portion of what you spend to the Harvey Broome Group as long as you designate HBG as your preferred charity.

Here's how:

1. Go to the Kroger Community Rewards web page
2. Register (or Sign In if you already have an account.)
3. Enroll in Community Rewards (or Edit if you're already enrolled.)
4. Enter HBG's Community Rewards Number 27874.

That's it. Swipe your Kroger Card when you shop and know that you're helping protect your environment.

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Who We Are

Founded by legendary conservationist John Muir in 1892, the Sierra Club is now the nation's largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization -- with more than two million members and supporters. Our successes range from protecting millions of acres of wilderness to helping pass the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. More recently, we've made history by leading the charge to move away from the dirty fossil fuels that cause climate disruption and toward a clean energy economy.

The Harvey Broome Group (HBG) is one of five Sierra Club Groups within the Tennessee Chapter. HBG is based in Knoxville and serves 18 surrounding counties. HBG's namesake, Harvey Broome, was a Knoxvillian who was a founding member of the Wilderness Society and played a key role in the creation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Visit our website.
Join HBG.
(click the Donate button on the HBG home page)

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