About Our Working Committees

Working Committees help focus HBG's efforts.

The Sierra Club is a national organization composed of geographically identifiable chapters, which are, in turn, composed of more-or-less local groups. For example, our Harvey Broome Group is one of four groups that comprise the Tennessee Chapter, and the Harvey Broome Group, in turn, is composed of 25 East Tennessee counties.

Harvey Broome Group (HBG) has committees that focus volunteer efforts in particular areas. The group leadership, consisting of the 12-member Executive Committee (ExCom) and its officers, recruits committee chairs.

 HBG Planning meeting January 11, 2020Caption: HBG Annual Planning Session, January 11, 2020

Our Committees

The committees are established by the HBG Executive Committee according to Group Bylaws, and chaired by volunteer leaders (not necessarily ExCom members). The committees follow evolving guidelines in support of group, chapter, and national Sierra Club missions. Below is a list of our main permanent committees, a brief statement of their main function, and the name of chairperson.

  • Membership Committee - This committee recruits and welcomes new members, tracks member data, helps maintain the member database, and assists members in discovering ways to participate in Club activities and initiatives. Chair: Maggie Longmire.
  • Outreach Committee - Promotes public awareness of the Sierra Club and the Harvey Broome Group by participating in community events (such as tabling at Earth awareness and appreciation events), hosting social events, and collaborating with other organizations with a mission similar to the Sierra Club. Chair: Maggie Longmire.
  • Communications Committee - Develops and implements strategies for communicating with HBG membership, using HBG website, social media platforms, and email newsletters to inform members regarding objectives, events, and volunteer opportunities. This mission requires close collaboration with the Co-chairs: Julie Elfin, Dana Moran and Todd Waterman.
  • Treasurer and Budget Committee - Tracks all financial data pertaining to HBG operations, prepares required annual reports of group finances, and make an annual budget recommendation to the ExCom. Chair and Treasurer: Bob Perlack.
  • Outings Committee - Plans annual outings, such as hikes, backpacks, canoe/kayak outings, as well as environmental education outings. Promotes its outings plans via the HBG web page, e-newsletter, and other local event posting outlets. Chair: Joan Tomlinson.
  • Programs Committee - Plans monthly "programs" by speakers on various topics considered of interest to our membership. Traditionally, we have ten monthly programs per year (August and December are skipped). Chair: Mac Post.
  • Nominating Committee - Assembles a list of candidates for ExCom vacancies resulting from expiration of terms or other reasons. The 12 members have two-year terms, staggered so that six members are elected each December. The actual election of ExCom members is held in December. Chair: Dana Loseke.

HBG Particpates in UT Climate March, November 22, 2019Caption: HBG participated in UTK Climate March, November 22, 2019

  • Conservation/Political Committee - The Conservation/Political Committee deals with the fundamental environmental and social justice issues facing the club. These issues often involve either legislation or selection of candidates for political office. Other functions of this committee involve lobbying and participation in public meetings or events where public opinion is expressed. Two-way communication between Sierra Club members and the Committee with respect to positions on the issues is a critical aspect of the committee's work. C-Chairs: Axel Ringe and Kent Minault.


HBG Committee Guidelines

Most of our major committees have created evolving guidelines indicating how their committee operates. The respective committee documents are listed below. (Click on any link - in most cases the document will download to your computer or device.)