Zero Waste Living

Time: 7:00pm

Sadie McElrath with be joining us, talking about living in a Zero Waste Home.

Sadie and Zach McElrath, covered in plastic bags

Zach and Sadie started their zero waste journey two years ago when they found out how plastic does not ever truly get recycled, but rather is only "downcycled" into lower-quality fibers. It made them wonder, "What else do we not understand about trash?" Their findings led them to start a zero waste journey of their own and they share that journey blogging at 

Come and hear them share the resources and discoveries they have made and get inspired to make some changes of your own. 

Everyone is welcome to join us for supper prior to our program at 5:30 pm: Amigos Restaurant, 3805 Ringgold Rd., East Ridge 37412

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