CHEROKEE SIERRA NOVEMBER PROGRAM: Reconnecting with Neighbors and the Land

Monday, Nov 27 at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 3224 Navajo Dr., Chattanooga 37411.  Our monthly free public meeting.  (Note where it says Nov 20, that is the date this was posted, not the date of the event)   Dr. Bill Cahalan, eco-psychologist and one of the founding members of the Enright Ridge Urban Eco-village in Cincinnati, will present on the need to reconnect more directly with our local sources in the land for water, food, firewood, fertilizers, etc. Doing this with family and neighbors can help us build local resilient communities. We need these communities as we face the breakdowns our ever-growing economy and ever-shrinking natural sources are leading our civilization toward. It can also help us be more grounded and connected with people and the rest of nature, keeping us nurtured as we engage in the political activism we are called to. (Pictured is development of their urban farm!) PLEASE SHARE AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!




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