Looking Ahead -- Upcoming Programs

Our August meeting (8/28) will be Dr. Jose Barbosa.  A professor at UTC, Dr. Barbosa is the primary faculty sponsor for The Teaching and Learning Garden, involving UTC students. The Garden was able to produce organically over 2000 pounds of produce in its first year, which was donated to the Chattanooga Community Kitchen. The Garden is a hands-on learning space that addresses topics that UTC students care about--like sustainability, local food economies, health and food production. Dr. Barbosa will talk to us about his work with the gardens and how it connects with Sierra Club concerns on sustainability, clean air, clean water, clean food.   Our September meeting (9/25) will be David A. Lochbaum.  He is the Director of the Nuclear Safety Project for the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). A nuclear engineer by training, he worked in nuclear power plants for nearly two decades. Lochbaum has written numerous articles and reports on various aspects of nuclear safety and published two books, including Nuclear Waste Disposal Crisis. He will talk to us about "The NRC: Does It Have Your Back, or Does It Have Your Back Covered With a Target?" That presentation would end with suggestions about ways for individuals to pressure the agency towards the former and away from the latter.  Mark your calendars!  Lots of great stuff coming up!



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