The Power of City Camping A new Detroit program opens a long-unused campground to local youths By Allison Torres Burtka July 14, 2018 In this story: inspiring connections outdoors, camping
Sierra Magazine's Special Issue Celebrating U.S. Rivers We've ruined too many of our rivers, but a unique law gives us a chance to protect many others By Jason Mark June 28, 2018 In this story: water, inspiring connections outdoors
Reading the Quran Connects Me to Nature Beside a cool stream, I unwrap the sacred text from my mother's scarf By Jai Hamid Bashir May 1, 2018 In this story: inspiring connections outdoors
#MeToo Moments in the Outdoors We must ensure that everyone feels safe in nature By Michael Brune March 1, 2018 In this story: inspiring connections outdoors
The Sierra Club Is Committed to Equity in the Outdoors Everybody deserves the opportunity to feel at home in the woods By Jason Mark March 1, 2018 In this story: inspiring connections outdoors
Fly-Fishing in an Age of Unraveling The election of a reality-show president drives a writer to crank up his fly-tying vise By Christopher Schaberg December 17, 2017 In this story: inspiring connections outdoors
When Politics Get Them Down, These DREAMers Go Camping The outdoors doesn’t care whether you have papers By Ariel Gans December 6, 2017 In this story: hiking, inspiring connections outdoors
How My Father's Lifetime of Service Inspired Me Robert Brune taught me the value of understanding the world beyond our own horizons By Michael Brune December 18, 2017 In this story: inspiring connections outdoors
REI Urges Customers to #OptOutside on Black Friday This year’s campaign comes with an outdoor adventure search engine By Connor McGuigan November 23, 2017 In this story: inspiring connections outdoors
Harry Potter Can't Compete With the Magic of Wolves Wolves are not only awesome—they're an ecological necessity By Michael Brune October 16, 2017 In this story: wildlife, inspiring connections outdoors