ICYMI: Marxist Cyclists, Michael Mann Vindicated, 1.7 Billion Animals on Factory Farms & London Takes It Slow
Environmental news of the week for busy people

The Arizona state senate says that Arizonans can file suit against any level of government for “furthering Marxist ideologies” by promoting bicycling or walking, recycling water, or trying to limit climate change.
Republican Kentucky representative James Comer wants to investigate John Kerry, President Biden’s special envoy for climate, for “colluding” with “leftist environmental groups” (including the Sierra Club) and “undermining US national and energy security.”
Financial giants JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, and State Street Global Advisors quit or dramatically scaled back their participation in the UN-backed Climate Action 100+ investor group. The institutions’ involvement in the group had been criticized by Republican-led states and anti-ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing activists.
Fifteen percent of Americans don’t think climate change is real.
The price of homeowners insurance in Florida has tripled in the past decade.
A landslide on a coastal bluff in Southern California after heavy rains has left a mansion on the edge of a precipice.
A jury awards climate scientist Michael Mann more than $1 million in his long-running defamation suit against two conservative commentators who accused him of manipulating data and compared him to a child molester.
A new study reveals that the main reason for the spread of invasive and highly flammable cheatgrass is overgrazing by domestic livestock.
According to Food and Water Watch, the number of animals raised on factory farms in the US has increased by nearly 50 percent in the past 20 years, to 1.7 billion. Collectively, they produce nearly a trillion pounds of waste each year, twice as much sewage as that produced by all the country’s humans.
NOAA Fisheries contracts with 35 Pacific Northwest hatcheries to raise 20 million salmon a year to feed the Salish Sea’s 75 southern resident orcas.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service is studying whether to grant endangered species status to the tiny Kings River pyrg snail, whose sole habitat in the Nevada desert may be disrupted by the enormous Thacker Pass lithium mine, now under construction.
Driving in the US has now risen back to and beyond pre-Covid levels. So have US traffic deaths.
Much of central London now limits auto speeds to 20 miles per hour.