CriteriaPointsScoring Basis
Peer-to-peer sustainability educator program7Institutions earn all available points by having a peer-to-peer educator program that reaches students.
Student sustainability outreach campaign10Institutions earn 3/4 of available points for having at least one sustainability-related outreach campaign directed at students. Institutions earn 1/4 of available points for verifying that program with a website link.
Sustainability during orientation for new students7Institutions earn all available points for including sustainability prominently during new-student orientation events.
Sustainability outreach and publications7Institutions earn 1/10 of available points for each website, newsletter, and/or other literature that fosters sustainability awareness.
Sustainability student group7Institutions earn all available points for having at least one active student group focused on sustainability.
Organic garden10Institutions earn all available points for having one or more programs that allow students to gain experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems.
Sustainability events7Institutions earn all available points for hosting major events (conferences, symposia, etc.) related to sustainability.
Outdoor program10Institutions earn all available points for having a program that organizes outings for students and teaches "leave no trace" principles.
Sustainability-themed semester, year, or first-year experience7Institutions earn all available points for having chosen a sustainability-related theme for their themed semester, year, or first-year experience over the past three years.
Sustainability course curriculum and identification7Institutions earn 1/2 of available points for each of two items: identifying sustainability-related and sustainability-focused courses, and making an inventory of those courses available.
Sustainability courses10Institutions earn all available points when sustainability-focused courses make up 20% or more of all courses offered. Incremental points are available.
Sustainability-related courses10Institutions earn all available points when sustainability-related courses make up 20% or more of all courses offered. Incremental points are available.
Sustainability learning outcomes10Institutions earn all available points when 20% of students graduate from programs that have adopted at least one sustainability learning outcome. Incremental points are available.
Undergraduate program in sustainability7Institutions earn all available points for offering at least one sustainability-focused undergraduate major, degree program, or equivalent.
Sustainability immersive experience7Institutions earn all available points for offering at least one sustainability-focused immersive program.
Sustainability literacy assessment10Institutions earn all available points for conducting sustainability literacy assessments with at least some students.
Faculty engaged in sustainability research10Institutions earn a proportion of avaliable points depending on the percentage of faculty that are engaged in sustainability research.
Departments engaged in sustainability research7Institutions earn a proportion of avaliable points depending on the percentage of departments that are engaged in sustainability research.
Sustainability research incentives7Institutions earn 3/4 of available points for encouraging faculty research on sustainability. Institutions earn 1/4 of available points by encouraging student research.
Percentage of existing building space certified as sustainable10Institutions earn a percentage of total available points equivalent to the percentage of existing building space on campus considered sustainable.
Percentage of new building space certified as sustainable10Institutions earn a percentage of total available points equivalent to the percentage of new building space on campus considered sustainable.
Scope 1 and 2 emissions inventory20Institutions earn all available points for conducting an inventory of Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions.
Scope 3 emissions inventory35Institutions earn 1/7 of available points for each type of Scope 3 calculation conducted among types outlined in STARS.
Local offsets program15Institutions earn all available points for having an institution-catalyzed program that reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the local community.
Food and beverage purchasing policies30Institutions earn 1/3 of available points by calculating the percentage of food expenditures that are local and community-based, or are third-party-certified responsible (certified organic, fair trade, etc.). Institutions earn a portion of the remaining 2/3 based on that percentage.
Vegan options7Institutions earn all available points for offering complete-protein vegan dining options during every meal in at least one facility on campus.
Preconsumer food waste composting7Institutions earn all available points for having a preconsumer food waste composting program.
Postconsumer food waste composting7Institutions earn all available points for having a postconsumer food waste composting program.
Energy consumption in buildings50Institutions earn 1/3 of available points by calculating total building energy consumption in performance and baseline years. Institutions earn all remaining points by meeting or exceeding a standard reduction of 7% per year since their identified baseline period. Schools that make reductions below the 7% threshold earn partial credit.*
Support for clean and renewable energy45Institutions earn 1/3 of available points by calculating all renewable energy generated by the institution and/or purchased as renewable energy credits. Institutions earn a portion of the remaining points based on that number as a percentage of the institution's total energy consumption.
Lighting sensors7Institutions earn all available points for using occupancy sensors in at least one application.
LED lighting7Institutions earn all available points for using LED lighting in at least one lighting application.
Tree Campus USA7Institutions earn all available points for being recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Campus USA program.
EPEAT7Institutions earn a percentage of available points based on the percentage of computers purchased that are registered EPEAT Silver or Gold.
Sustainable cleaning products10Institutions earn 1/3 of available points by having an institution-wide stated preference for sustainable cleaning products and 1/3 for calculating the percentage of total expenditures spent on sustainable cleaning products. Institutions earn a percentage of the remaining 1/3 of available points based on the percentage of sustainable cleaning products purchased.
Responsible paper purchasing15Institutions earn 1/10 of available points for having a stated policy for responsible paper purchasing. The remainder of available points are awarded based on a sliding scale, depending on the percentage of recycled content: Higher weightings are awarded to purchases of 90% to 100% postconsumer recycled content office paper.
Vendor code of conduct7Institutions earn all available points by requiring that business partners adhere to environmental and social standards.
Campus fleet20Institutions receive points based on the proportion of their fleet that uses alternative power/fuel, weighted by the type of fuel used: 50% for hybrid vehicles, 65% for plug-hybrids, 100% for fully electric vehicles.
Student commute20Institutions earn points based on the percentage of students who use more sustainable commuting options.
Employee commute20Institutions earn points based on the percentage of employees who use more sustainable commuting options.
Bicycle-sharing program10Institutions earn all available points by having a bicycle-sharing program.
Facilities for bicyclists10Institutions earn all available points by having bike storage, shower facilities, and lockers for bicycle commuters.
Mass-transit programs7Institutions earn all available points by offering discounted transit passes or a free campus shuttle for commuters.
Condensed workweek7Institutions earn all available points by offering a condensed workweek option to employees.
Telecommuting7Institutions earn all available points by offering a telecommuting program to employees.
Carpool/vanpool matching7Institutions earn all available points by offering a carpool or vanpool matching program and/or offering reduced parking fees or preferential parking spaces to carpoolers.
Local housing7Institutions earn all available points by offering employees incentives to live near campus.
Car sharing7Institutions earn all available points by participating in car-sharing programs.
Waste reduction25Institutions earn all available points by reducing waste generation by 7% or more per year compared to a historical baseline. Incremental points are given based on the percentage of reduction achieved.
General waste diversion20Institutions earn 1/2 of available points by calculating general waste diversion. Institutions earn a percentage of remaining available points based on the percentage of diversion achieved.
Waste diversion during new construction and demolition20Institutions earn 1/2 of available points by calculating waste diversion during new construction and demolition. Institutions earn 1/2 of remaining available points based on the percentage of diversion achieved.
Electronic-waste recycling program10Institutions earn 1/2 of available points by having a program to refurbish, reuse, or recycle electronic waste generated by the school. Institutions earn 1/2 of remaining available points for having a similar program for electronic waste generated by students.
Move-in/Move-out waste reduction20Institutions earn all available points for having a program to reduce move-in and/or move-out waste.
Water consumption30Institutions earn 1/2 of available points by showing ANY reduction in total water consumption since an established baseline period. Institutions that have reduced their consumption by 6% per year or more across that time frame get the remaining 1/2 of the points, while schools that reduce by less than 6% per year get partial credit based on their reductions.
Storm-water management30Institutions earn 1/4 of available points for having a policy to mitigate impact of storm-water runoff from construction, development, or other projects, 1/4 for having a policy to mitigate impact of storm-water runoff from normal campus operations, and 1/10 for each (up to five) specific strategy used to implement those policies.
Nonpotable water usage10Institutions earn all available points by using some nonpotable water.
Sustainability coordination20Institutions earn 1/3 of available points each for having a sustainability committee, office, and/or officer.
Strategic plan15Institutions earn all available points by having an overall strategic plan that includes sustainability at a high level.
Sustainability plan25Institutions earn all available points by having a current and formal sustainability plan that covers at least two distinct areas.
Committee on investment responsibility15Institutions earn all available points by having a committee on the social and environmental responsibility of financial investments.
Positive sustainability investments20Institutions earn all available points by having made socially or environmentally responsible financial investments.
Sustainable investment policy20Institutions earn all available points by having a publicly available sustainable investment policy.
Investment disclosure20Institutions earn all available points by making a snapshot of financial investments accessible to the public.
Intercampus collaboration on sustainability7Institutions earn all available points by collaborating with other colleges and universities to build the sustainability community.
Innovations40Institutions earn 1/4 of available points for each sustainability innovation listed.
Energy use by type25Institutions earn 2/5 of available points by calculating the percentage of electricity from renewable sources (biomas, geothermal, hydro, solar, wind); 2/5 in proportion to how much energy comes from renewable sources; and the remaining 1/5 points by calculating the percentage of their heating from biomass or geothermal energy sources.
Additional question on divestment60Institutions earn 10 points for submitting the survey.

Schools then receive the maximum of the following, if they have made a public decision to divest and have responded to having divested in one of the following categories:
25 pts - Yes, our institution has divested from coal-mining corporations.
30pts - Yes, our institution has divested from coal-mining corporations and coal-dependent utilities.
30pts - Yes, our institution has divested from coal-mining and tar-sands-mining corporations.
50pts - Yes, our institution has divested from all fossil fuels.

Then, of the schools that have made a public decision to divest, if they have only done it for directly held shares, then they receive -10 points

**It's important to note that some of this data is incomplete due to schools failing to respond to the survey.