An Eco-Dada Coffee-Table Book for the Climate Generation
Lucas Foglia's "Human Nature" captures human pathology on parade
Jonathan Hahn
March 7, 2018
Clean Power Plan Supporters Speak as EPA Officials Listen Impassively
The EPA convenes San Francisco forum on whether to kill rule limiting carbon
Text and photographs by
Jonathan Hahn
March 1, 2018
10 Industrial Plants Emit 70 Percent of Pittsburgh-Area Air Pollution
Coal and steel facilities round out PennEnvironment’s new “Toxic Ten” report
Jonathan Hahn
February 27, 2018
Pennsylvania Coal Plants Dump Toxic Pollution Under Expired Permits
Residents and advocacy groups fight to bring polluters into compliance
Jonathan Hahn
February 15, 2018
How to Survive Without a Wrenching Global Catastrophe
“The Wizard and the Prophet” illuminates a troubled world, and the art of the possible
Jonathan Hahn
January 23, 2018
Coastal Cities Poised to Drown As Sea Levels Rise
According to "Extreme Cities," life is about to change for millions of coastal residents
Jonathan Hahn
December 18, 2017
Keystone XL Opponents Claim Partial Victory Against Tar Sands Pipeline
TransCanada gets go-ahead, but may have to start planning process from scratch
Jonathan Hahn
November 20, 2017
The Sinking Cities and Rising Seas of (Near) Future Tomorrow
It's time to start thinking about life in a different world, says author Jeff Goodell
Jonathan Hahn
November 17, 2017
How to See the Living Forest for the Trees
Photographer Robert Llewellyn shows us the difference between looking and seeing
Jonathan Hahn
October 19, 2017
California’s Wildfires Point to a New Normal
Edward Struzik, author of "Firestorm," says we need a road map for the future
Jonathan Hahn
October 13, 2017