Cool Schools 2012 Scoring Key

September 17, 2012

Credit Title Basis of Calculation Points Scoring Basis  
ER Credit 1 Peer-to-Peer Educators Program 4 Institutions earn available points by having a peer-to-peer educator program that reaches for-credit, degree-seeking students.   
ER Credit 2 Student Sustainability Outreach Campaign 4 Institutions earn 75% of points available for having a campaign or campaigns that meet the criteria outlined.   Institutions earn 25% of points available for verifying program with website link.  
ER Credit 3 Sustainability in Student Orientation 4 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria outlined.    
ER Credit 4 Sustainability Materials and Publications 4 Institutions earn 0.1 of points available for each publication and/or outreach material described in the criteria.  
Co-Curric Tier Two 1 Student Group 4 Institutions earn all points available for meeting criteria.  
Co-Curric Tier Two 2 Organic Garden 4 Institutions earn all points available for meeting criteria.  
Co-Curric Tier Two 6 Sustainability Events 4 Institutions earn all points available for meeting criteria.  
Co-Curric Tier Two 7 Outdoors Program 4 Credit awarded for meeting criteria.  
Co-Curric Tier Two 8 Themed Semester or Year 4 Institutions earn all points available for meeting criteria  
ER Credit 5 Sustainability Course Identification 5 Institutions earn 1/3 points available for meeting each of three parts of this.  
ER Credit 6 Sustainability-Focused Courses 4 Institutions earn the maximum points for this credit if sustainability-focused courses comprise 20 percent or more of all courses offered.  Incremental points are available   
ER Credit 7 Sustainability-Related Courses 4 Institutions earn the maximum points available for this credit when sustainability-related courses comprise 20 percent or more of all courses offered.  Incremental points are available based on the percentage of course offerings that are sustainability-related.   
ER Credit 9 Sustainability Learning Outcomes 9 Institutions earn the maximum of points available for this credit when 20 percent of students graduate from programs that have adopted at least one sustainability learning outcome.  Incremental points are available based on the percentage of students who graduate from such programs.   
ER Credit 10 Undergraduate Program in Sustainability 5 Institutions earn all points available for having at least one program that meets the criteria.    Partial points are not available for this credit.   
ER Credit 12 Sustainability Immersive Experience 3 Institutions earn all credits for meeting the criteria.  Partial points are not available for this credit.  
ER Credit 13 Sustainability Literacy Assessment 9 Institutions earn all credits for meeting the criteria.  Partial points are not available for this credit.  
ER Credit 15 Sustainability Research Identification 2 Institutions receive all credit available for making sustainability research inventory publicly available online.  
ER Credit 16 Faculty Engaged in Sustainability Research 3.5 Institutions earn half of the maximum points available for this credit simply by calculating percentage of faculty are engaged in sustainability research. Institutions earn up to the remaining half as a proportion of the highest percentage reported (72% in this case).  
ER Credit 17 Departments Engaged in Sustainability Research 5 Institutions earn half of the maximum points available for this credit simply by calculating percentage of departments engaged in sustainability research. Institutions earn up to the remaining half as a proportion of the highest percentage reported.  
ER Credit 18 Sustainability Research Incentives 5 Institutions earn 25% of the maximum points available for this credit by encouraging student research. Institutions earn 75% of points available for encouraging faculty research.  
OP Credit 1 Percentage of existing building space certified as sustainable 8 ( Sustainable over total Square Feet) x Points available  
OP Credit 2 Percentage of new building space certified as sustainable 8 ( Sustainable over total Square Feet) x Points available  
OP Credit 4 Scope 1 and 2 Emissions Inventory 25 Institutions earn all credits available for calculating Scope 1 & 2 emissions as verified either from ACUPCC, from other 3rd-party site, from internally-kept site or from data entered into STARS collector.  
OP Credit 4 Scope 3 Emissions Inventory 35 Institutions earn 1/7 of credits available for each type of Scope 3 calculation conducted among types outlined in STARS Collector.  
OP Credit 5 Scope 1 and 2 Emissions Reduction 5 Institutions earn credit for calculating Scope 1 and 2 gross GHG emissions in performance year.  
Transportation Tier Two 1: Air Travel Emissions 2 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
Transportation Tier Two 2: Local Offsets Program 25 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
OP Credit 6 Food Sustainability 25 Institutions earn half of the maximum points available for this credit by calculating food expenditures that meet one or more of the criteria for this credit. Institutions earn up to half of credits available as a proportion of the highest percentage reported.  
Dining Services Tier Two 4 Vegan Dining 2.5 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
Dining Services Tier Two 7 Pre-Consumer Food Waste Composting 5 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
Dining Services Tier Two 8 Post-Consumer Food Waste Composting 5 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
OP Credit 7 Building Energy Consumption 25 Institutions earn half of the maximum points available for this credit simply by calculating total building energy consumption. Institutions earn proportional portion of remaining credits available by comparing their reduction to reduction of top-reducing institution (among those submitting.)  
OP Credit 8 Renewable Energy 30 Institutions earn half of the maximum points available for this credit simply by calculating all energy from renewable sources, purchasing Renewable Energy Credits or green power from the electric utility, and/or generating electricity using cogeneration technologies. Institutions earn proportional portion of remaining credit based on percentage of clean and renewable of total energy consumed.  
Energy Tier Two 2 Lighting Sensors 3 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
Energy Tier Two 3 LED Lighting 3 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
Energy Tier Two 5 Energy Management System 3 Institutions earn points based on percentage of building space monitored with a centralized energy management system.  
Energy Tier Two 6 Energy Metering 10 Institutions earn half of the maximum points available for this credit by meeting criteria. Institutions earn half of the credit available based on percentage of building space metered.  
Grounds Tier Two 1 Native Plants 2 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
Grounds Tier Two 2 Wildlife Habitat 3 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
Grounds Tier Two 3 Tree Campus USA 3 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
OP Credit 10 EPEAT 5 Points awarded as percentage of EPEAT purchases over total computers and monitors purchased .  
OP Credit 11 Sustanable Cleaning Products 8 Institutions earn 2/3rds of available points for having institution-wide stated preference, and for calculating percentage of total expendures spent on Green Seal and/or EcoLogo certified cleaning products. Additional 1/3rd of points apportioned as by that %age.  
OP Credit 12 Office Paper Content 10 Institutions earn one point for having stated policy. Remainder of points available (9) are awarded based on sliding scale depending on percentage of content: Higher weightings awarded to to purchases of 100 percent, postconsumer, recycled content office paper.  But reduced points also awarded for purchases of paper whose recycled content is less.  
OP Credit 13 Vendor Code of Conduct 2 Institutions earn all points available for meeting the criteria.    
OP Credit 14 Campus Fleet 10 Institutions earn the maximum of points for this credit when 50% of vehicles in their fleets are alternatively fueled and/or powered.  
OP Credit 15 Student Commute Modal Split 8 Institutions earn points based on percentage (0-100) of institution's students who use more sustainable commuting options  
OP Credit 16 Employee Commute Modal Split 8 Institutions earn points based on percentage of institution's employees who use more sustainable commuting options  
Transportation Tier Two 1 Bicycle Sharing Program 4 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 2 Facilities for Bicyclists 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 4 Mass Transit Programs 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 5 Condensed Work Week 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 6 Telecommuting 3 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 7 Carpool/Vanpool Matching 3 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 8 Cash-out of Parking 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 9 Carpool Discount 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 10 Local Housing 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 11 Prohibiting Idling 4 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Transportation Tier Two 12 Car Sharing 5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
OP Credit 17 Waste Reduction 15 Institutions earn maximum points available for this credit by reducing waste generation by 16 percent or more compared to a 2005 baseline.  Incremental points are available based on the percentage reduction achieved.  
OP Credit 18 Waste Diversion 15 Institutions earn 2/3rds of points available for this credit by calculating waste diversion. 1/3rd of points available awarded on percentage of diversion achieved.  
OP Credit 19 Waste Diversion for New Construction 22 Institutions earn 2/3rds of points available for this credit by calculating waste diversion. 1/3rd of points available awarded on percentage of diversion achieved.  
OP Credit 20 Electronic Waste Recycling Program 16 .5 points each for meeting Parts 1 and/or Part 2  
Waste Tier Two 5 Move-In Waste Reduction 12.5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
Waste Tier Two 6 Move-Out Waste Reduction 12.5 Credit awarded for meeting criteria  
OP Credit 22 Water Consumption 20 2/3rds points available if institution shows reduction in Total Consumption between 2005 and Performance Year. 1/3rd apportioned by amount of reduction.  
OP Credit 23 Stormwater Management 39 1/12th of points available awarded for each mitigation mechanism claimed. 25% of points available each for stormwater plan for new construction and ongoing campus operations.  
Water Tier Two 2 Building Water Metering 19 50% of points awarded for meeting criteria. Remaining 50% apportioned by percentage of space.  
Water Tier Two 3 Non-Potable Water Usage 30 1/3rd points awarded for meeting criteria. Remaining points awarded based on percentage irrigation water and utility usage from recovered, reclaimed or untreated sources.  
PAE Credit 1 Sustainability Coordination 12 Institutions earn 1/3rd of points each for having a committee, office, or officer that meets the criteria.  
PAE Credit 2 Strategic Plan 15 Points awarded for meeting criteria  
PAE Credit 4 Sustainability Plan 20 Points awarded for meeting criteria  
PAE Credit 4 Sustainability Plan 20 Points awarded for meeting criteria  
PAE Credit 16 Committee on Investor Responsibility 12 Full points awarded for having a body that meets criteria. No partial credit.  
PAE Credit 18 Positive Sustainability Investments 15 Full points awarded for having a body that meets criteria. No partial credit.  
Investment Tier Two 2 Policy in place 16 Full points awarded for having a body that meets criteria. No partial credit.  
Investment Tier Two 3 Investment Disclosure 16 Full points awarded for having a body that meets criteria. No partial credit.  
PAE Credit 20 Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability 5 Full points awarded for having a body that meets criteria. No partial credit.  
IN-1 - IN-4. Innovations 35 1/4th of points available awarded to each innovation described.  
SD-1 New Student Orientation 5 1/5 th of points available awarded for each criteria met.  
SD-2 Food Education 12 1/5 th of points available awarded for each criteria met.  
SD-3 Food and Beverage Purchases 8 1/2 of points available awarded each for each 100-mile calculation.  
SD-4 Confinement-Free Food Purchases 4 1/5 th of points available awarded for each percentage calculated.  
SD-5 Vegetarian-Fed Food Purchases 4 1/5 th of points available awarded for each percentage calculated.  
SD-6 Hormone-Free Food Purchases 5 1/5 th of points available awarded for each percentage calculated.  
SD-7 Seafood Purchases 5 1/5 th of points available awarded for each percentage calculated.  
SD-8 Dishware 4 Points are awarded based on use of sustainable choice and avoidance of non-sustainable options.  
SD-9 Energy Initiatives 5 1/2 of points available awarded for energy consumption reductions. Remaining points awarded as function of amount reduced.  
SD-10 Energy Use by Type 20 Institutions earn 80% of points available by calculating percentage of electricity from alternative or renewable sources. Institutions earn 20% of points available by calculating percentage of heating from alternative or renewable sources.  
SD-11 Procurement 8 Institutions earn points based on percentage of institutionally purchased appliances that are ENERGY STAR rated.  
SD-12 Bike Sharing 4 Points awarded based on ratio of bikes available to school size  
SD-13 Water Initiatives 3 1/2 of points available awarded for having bottled water ban or restriction. 1/2 of points available awarded for metering non-potable water usage.  
SD-14 Endowment 5 All points available awarded if instituion indicates it employs one or more of four institutional involvement strategies.  
SD-15 Sustainability Staffing 12.5 Institutions earn all points available for providing evidence of staff dedicated to sustainability office (either here or in PAE - 1).