Leadership Roster

For current information about upcoming group activities and meetings, check our Activities and Events Calendar.
If you're not sure who to get in touch with, contact the Chapter office and we can assist you:

PO Box 2663, Berkeley, CA 94702

Chapter-wide Committees

Regional Groups


Chapter Leaders at California State Level

Executive Committee

Meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM online.
The Executive Committee consists of nine members plus one representative from each Regional Group.
The governing body for the entire Chapter, ExCom members are elected through annual elections by Chapter members (five to be elected in odd-numbered years and four in even-numbered years).
No at-large member may serve as a voting member of the ExCom for more than six consecutive years.


At-Large ExCom Members

  • Marisol Rubio (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Nick Pilch (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Chance Cutrano (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • John Bauters (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Brian Quan (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Chava Kronenberg Bear (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Sara Barz (appointed to 2024 term)

Group Representatives to ExCom

  • Delta Group
    • Representative: Paul Seger
    • Alternate: Jovita Mendoza
  • Marin Group
    • Representative: Sam Penrose
    • Alternate: Thomas Tunny
  • Mount Diablo Group
    • Representative: Mark Van Landuyt
    • Alternate: John Chatowski
  • Northern Alameda County Group
    • Representative: Ross Bernet
    • Alternates: Phyllis Orrick/Andy Katz
  • San Francisco Group
    • Representative: Jeff Trull
    • Alternate: Garen Checkley
  • Southern Alameda County Group
    • Representative: Martha Kreeger
    • Alternates: Glenn Kirby/Vinnie Bacon
  • Tri-Valley Group
    • Representative: Donna Cabanne
    • Alternate: Carol Silva
  • West Contra Costa County Group
    • Representative: Norman La Force
    • Alternate: Position Unfilled

Chapter Conservation Issue Committees

These committees help formulate Chapter policies and organize Club efforts in their issue areas.
Some of our regional groups have parallel subcommittees for more local concerns.
Read more about our issues of focus here.

East Bay Public Lands

Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM online.
Read more about our work on parks and open space here and find the latest blog posts on this issue here.

  • Chair: Norman La Force
  • Vice Chair: Irene Dieter
  • Secretary: William Yragui

Energy and Climate Change

Meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM online.
Read more about our work fighting dirty energy here, and advocating for clean energy here.

  • Co-Chairs: Larry Gosselin and Rebecca Franke

Climate Literacy

Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 PM online.
This small and active committee has a large goal: to ensure all students understand the elements of climate literacy.
Read more about our work on Climate Literacy here.

  • Chair: Position Unfilled

Federal Parks

Meets on the first Thursday on each month at 7:30 PM online.
This committee is concerned with planning and other issues in our region's national parks.
Read more about our work on wilderness and wildlife here and find our latest blog posts on the issue here.

  • Chair: Alan Carlton
  • Vice Chair: Eric Brooks

Food & Agriculture

Concentrates on policies/initiatives concerning sustainable food for all, local & sustainable farm practices, and reducing food waste.

  • Chair: Nilang Gor
  • Co-Chair: Crystal Heath

Transportation and Compact Growth

Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM online.
Read more about our work on Transportation and Compact Growth here, and find the latest blog posts on the issue here.

  • Chair: Matt Williams


Meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM online.
Read more about our work on water here and find our latest blog posts on the issue here.

  • Co-Chairs: Frank Egger and Heinrich Albert

Zero Waste

Meets on the first or second Tuesday of odd-numbered months, 7 - 9 PM online.
Read more about our Zero Waste work here, and find the latest blog posts on this issue here.

  • Chair: Alfred Twu

Political Committee

Meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Helps to make Club endorsements in local elections and to coordinate local efforts to elect candidates with strong environmental credentials.
Read about our endorsement process and view our current nominations here.


  • Chair: John Rizzo
  • Secretary: Norman La Force
  • Alameda County Vice Chair: William Yragui
  • Contra Costa County Vice Chair: Norman La Force
  • Marin County Vice Chair: Position Unfilled

At-Large PolCom Members

  • Becky Evans
  • Norman La Force
  • Kim-Shree Maufas
  • Sandra Fewer
  • Kelly Akemi Groth
  • Martha Kreeger
  • Andy Katz

Group Representatives

  • Delta Group
    • Representative: Patt Moore
    • Alternate: Joe Kovalick
  • Northern Alameda County
    • Representative: Nick Pilch
    • Alternate: Phyllis Orrick
  • Marin Group
    • Representative: Sam Ruben
    • Alternate: Jenny Silva
  • Mount Diablo Group
    • Representative: Mark Van Landuyt
    • Alternate: Beth Bittle
  • San Francisco Group
    • Representative: Peter Belden
    • Alternate: Chava Kronenberg Bear
  • Southern Alameda County Group
    • Representative: William Yragui
    •  Alternate: Position Unfilled
  • Tri-Valley Group
    • Representative: Linda Milanese
    • Alternate: Erik Sommargren
  • West Contra Costa Group
    • Representative: Nick Spinner
    • Alternate: Arty Clinton

Special District Representatives

  • Water
    • Representative: Nancy Okada
    • Alternate: Heinrich Albert
  • East Bay Parks
    • Representative: Glenn Kirby
  • Transportation
    • Representative: Pat Pirras

Standing Committees

These committees help the Executive Committee oversee specific areas of concern.


  • Chair: Peter Roeper

Legal Advisory

  • Norman La Force
  • Alan Carlton
  • Stuart Flashman

Chapter Nominations and Elections

Oversees the Chapter Elections for Group and Chapter ExComs.
Read more about the Chapter nominations and elections process here.

  • Chair: Norman La Force
  • Mark Seielstad
  • Sue Carlisle
  • Sukhdeep Kaur
  • William Yragui

Regional Groups

Each Sierra Club Chapter is divided into regional groups that address environmental issues within more local geographic areas.
Each group is guided by an Executive Committee elected by members in annual elections.
Read more about our Regional Groups here.
To find the next local meeting, check our Activities and Events Calendar.

Delta Group

Meets on the second Friday of each month at various locations.
The Executive Committee consists of five members.
The Delta Group represents Eastern Contra Costa County.
Read more about the Delta Group here.


  • Chair: Paul Seger (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Vice Chair: Patt Young (appointed to 2024 term)

At-Large ExCom Members

  • Mark Linde (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Joe Kovalick (elected to 2023/2024 term)

Marin Group

Meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM online.
The Executive Committee consists of eleven members.
The Conservation Committee meets before the ExCom meeting at 6:00 PM.
Read more about the Marin Group here.


  • Chair: Shea Putnam (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Vice Chair: Pam Meigs (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Secretary: Sam Penrose (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Treasurer: Chance Cutrano (elected to 2024/2025 term)

At-Large ExCom Members

  • Holli Thier (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Sam Ruben (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Jennfer Silva (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Thomas Tunny (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Bryan Shiles (appointed to 2024 term)
  • Nate McKitterick (appointed to 2024 term)


  • Conservation Chair: Position Unfilled

Mount Diablo Group

Meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 PM online.
The Executive Committee consists of seven members.
Read more about the Mount Diablo Group here.


  • Chair: Mark Van Landuyt (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Vice Chair: Wietske Medema (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Treasurer: Beth Bittle (elected to 2024/2025 term)

At-Large Ex-Com Members

  • John Chatowski (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Rebecca Barrett (elected to 2023/2024 term)


  • Labor Committee Chair: Jonathan Bash (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Contra Costa Green New Deal Committee Chair: Mark Van Landuyt
  • Contra Costa Green New Deal Committee Vice Chair: Wietske Medema

Northern Alameda County Group

Meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 PM online.
The Executive Committee consists of nine members.
The Conservation Committee meets before the ExCom meeting at 6:30 PM.
Read more about the Northern Alameda County Group here.


  • Chair: Max Davis (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Vice Chair: Terry Taplin (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Secretary: Donald Lathbury (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Treasurer: Carter Shoop (non-voting)

At-Large ExCom Members

  • Phyllis Orrick (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Noelani Fixler (appointed to 2024 term)


  • Conservation Co-Chair: Nick Pilch (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Conservation Co-Chair: Ross Bernet (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Conservation Vice Chair: Ana Vasudeo (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Housing Committee Chair: Sarah Bell
  • Housing Committee Vice-Chair: Alex Contreras
  • Political Co-Chair: Andy Katz (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Political Co-Chair: Nick Pilch
  • Transportation Committee Chair: Terry Taplin
  • Transportation Committee Vice-Chair: Warren Wells
  • Transportation Committee Secretary: Marc Hedlund

San Francisco Group

Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 PM online.
The Executive Committee consists of nine members.
The Conservation Committee meets before ExCom each month at 7:00 PM.
Read more about the San Francisco Group here.


  • Chair: Charles Whitfield (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Vice Chair/Treasurer: Brian Reyes (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Secretary: Howard Strassner (elected to 2024/2025 term)

At-Large ExCom Members

  • Kim-Shree Maufas (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Kieran Farr (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Jeff Trull (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Sarah Boudreau (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Garen Checkley (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Joanna Gubman (Appointed to 2024/2025 term)


Southern Alameda County Group

Meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 OM online.
The Executive Committee consists of five members.
Read more about the Southern Alameda County Group here.


  • Chair: Glenn Kirby (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Vice Chair: Matt Turner (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Secretary: Vishruth Dinesh (non-voting)
  • Treasurer: Carol Drake (non-voting)

At-Large ExCom Members

  • Martha Kreeger (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Kelly Abreu (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Vinny Bacon (elected to 2024/2025 term)

Tri-Valley Group

Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM online.
The Executive Committee consists of six members.
Read more about the Tri-Valley Group here.


  • Chair: Carol Silva (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Vice Chair: Erik Sommargren (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Secretary: Linda Milanese (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Treasurer: Donna Cabanne (elected to 2024/2025 term)

At-Large ExCom Members

  • Steven Dunbar (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Lynn Seppala (elected to 2024/2025 term)

West Contra Costa County Group

Meets on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM online.
The Executive Committee Consists of 7 members.
Read more about the West Contra Costa County Group here.


  • Chair: Norman La Force (elected to 2024/2025 term)
  • Vice Chair: Cesar Zepeda (appointed to 2024/2025 term)
  • Secretary: Arty Clinton (appointed to 2023/2024 term)
  • Treasurer: Lisa Park (elected to 2024/2025 term)

At-Large ExCom members

  • Hari Lamba (elected to 2023/2024 term)
  • Jamin Pursell  (appointed to 2023/2024 term)
  • Nick Spinner (appointed to 2023/2024 term)

Activities Sections

Find our Chapter calendar of outings on our Activities and Events Calendar.
Read more about our Activity Sections here.

Activities Committee

Provides oversight for the Chapter's diverse outings programs.

  • Chair: William Yragui
  • Vice Chair: Bob Solotar
  • Secretary/Ombudsman: Sanjay Reddy

Backcountry Skiing

Read more about out Backcountry Skiing Section here.

  • Chair/Treasurer: Brenda Giese
  • Webmaster: Kathy Kohberger


Read more about our Backpacking Section here.

  • Chair: Roger Williams
  • Leader and Backpacker Training: Thomas Meissner
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Sanjay Reddy
  • Database Coordinator/Social Media Lead: JP Torres
  • Trip Approver: Debbie Barack
  • New Leader Coordinator: Danielle Henkel


Read more about our Cycling Section here.

  • Chair/Treasurer: Glenn Kirby
  • Outings Coordinator: Kent Lewandowski
  • Secretary: William Yragui


Read more about our Hiking Section here.

  • Chair/Outings Coordinator: Bob Solotar
  • Trails Issues Coordinator/Liaison: Nancy Okada

Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO)

Provides backpacking, day hikes, car-camping and river-rafting to segments of the Bay Area community that would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience Northern California's natural wonders.
Read more about our ICO Section here.

ICO Backpacking

ICO Rafting

Rainbow Sierrans

Read more about our Rainbow Sierrans Section here.

Sierra Couples

Read more about our Sierra Couples Section here.

  • Membership: Frank Alexander
  • Treasurer: Roy French

Sierra Singles

Meets on the first Tuesday of April, August, and December.
Age range: 35 - 65
Read more about our Sierra Singles Section here.


  • Chair: Position Unfilled
  • Vice Chair: Position Unfilled
  • Secretary: Robin Miles
  • Information/Treasurer: Albert Chiu

At Large Members

  • Julia Cordell
  • Seth Feinberg


Read more about our Snowcamping Section here.

  • Chair: Tim Surber
  • Treasurer: Hadrian Klinker

Solo Sierrans

Most participants over 65
Read more about our Solo Sierrans Section here.

  • Chair: Elyse Dukatz
  • Treasurer: Doris Wolf
  • Information/Membership Chair: Dolores Gruenewald

California Conservation Committee

Sets Club conservation policy for statewide concerns and matters that cross chapter boundaries.
Each chapter appoints two delegates, and several of the committee's officers come from the Bay Chapter as well.
Learn more about the CNRCC and see a full list of delegates on their website.

Sierra Club California

Addresses conservation policy statewide.
Learn about Sierra Club California on their website and see a full list of leaders.

Council of Club Leaders

The Council of Club Leaders, also known as the Sierra Club Council, consists of representatives from each chapter as well as from other Club entities.
It advises the Club Board of Directors on internal Club matters.
To support the mission of the Sierra Club, the Council of Club Leaders shall:

  • Build unity within the Club by facilitating open, meaningful and responsive two-way communication between national entities and the grassroots leadership
  • Represent the chapter and group perspectives and give voice to chapter and group concern, assist chapters and groups in their work to achieve Club goals
  • Provide advice and assistance to the Board of Directors and other Club entities on matters affecting chapters and groups
  • Be knowledgeable about available resources and training programs in order to assist national Club entities in building the Club’s leadership capacity


  • Chapter Representative: Nick Pilch
  • Chapter Alternate: Matt Morrison