Detailed 2024 Election Calendar

Monday, July 8 - Executive Committee appoints Nominating Committee.
Monday, July 15 - Executive Committee approves Election Calendar via e-vote.
Wednesday, July 17 - Groups to coordinate with Chapter Nominating Committee for the schedule and processes. Groups requested to inform Chapter NomCom of Group NomCom ASAP.
Thursday, July 18 - Nomination period opens. Candidate packets available on Chapter election webpage. (Apply for a leadership position here!)
Thursday, August 1 - Election materials (including link to application packet and calendar) are emailed to members.
Saturday, August 31 - Candidates must be registered as Sierra Club members. (Join or renew your membership.)
Wednesday, September 4 - Nominations period closes (deadline for return of applicant-candidates’ questionnaires).
Monday, September 9 - All applicants are contacted to inform them whether they have been nominated by committee. Candidates not nominated will be informed that they can pursue the petition route. 

  • Nominating Committee reports nominees to Executive Committee
  • Executive Committee appoints Election Committee
  • Chapter and Group NomComs share nominations lists

Monday, September 23 - Deadline for receipt of petitions from applicants for nomination by petition.
Friday, September 27 - Deadline for submission of candidate statement and photo. All Petition Candidates are notified whether their petition has been accepted.
Thursday, October 31 - Date by when you need to be a member in Sierra Club database to vote in election (list is pulled for vote count by staff). Join or renew your membership now!
Monday, November 11Yodeler with ballot scheduled to be mailed to members. Electronic ballot goes live on website. Link and appeal to vote will be emailed to all members for whom we have an address and who haven’t opted out of electronic communications. (Note: email send date may be +/- a few days due to email scheduling)
Wednesday, December 11 at 11:59pm - Election closes; all ballots must be received. 
Weekend of December 14 & 15 - Ballots counted. Contact the Elections Committee if you want to help out or observe at All members are welcome to join in or observe. 
Wednesday, December 18 - Chapter ExCom and Candidates are contacted with ballot results.
Monday, January 6, 2025 - Election Committee hears any complaints from candidates or others, and then formally reports election results to the Executive Committee. 

Currently no content is available with the current selection.