The Bay Chapter Turns 100 Years Old

We’re celebrating the centennial of the Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter, and you are invited! That’s right — 100 years ago, your very own SF Bay Chapter was born and began tackling our area’s most pressing environmental issues to build healthier, happier communities.

We’ll be commemorating the occasion with our annual awards ceremony, recognizing our most influential local activists who have been working hard all year (or for decades) to make the Bay Area a better place. The event will take place on May 18th, 2024 from 5 - 8 pm at the Berkeley City Club. It will include music, mingling, and much more. We hope to see you there!


Maggie Phillips
Donald Creighton (in memoriam)
Shirley Lowe
Minda Berbeco & Will Fertman
Jaime Green
Vicky Hoover
Nick Pilch, Planning & Zoning Commissioner
Igor Tregub & Maritessa Ares
Bill Smith
SEIU Local 1021
Port of Oakland
Clifford Moss
Regional Parks Foundation
Colin J. Coffey, Board Member, East Bay Regional Park District
Earp Events & Fundraising
Rebecca Evans
Martha Kreeger
Debbie and Tadd Ottman

Save the Date: Centennial Celebration. Saturday, May 18, 2024. 100 Years of the Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter

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