Join Delta Group for the Final Chapter of the Summer Series: Every Day is Earth Day

By Paul Seger

This summer, the Sierra Club Delta Group led an educational and activist series: "Every Day is Earth Day." The series has brought people together and covered important topics like Jersey Island preservation, Keller Canyon toxic waste, environmental justice, and equity.

With September here, the series is wrapping up with "Unyielding Resistance: Challenging Oil & Gas Dominance in East Contra Costa." Mark your calendars for September 23rd from 2-4 pm as we delve into the efforts of our community in the fight against local oil and gas drilling. Activists and decision-makers will share their experiences battling the oil and gas industry's endless pursuit of profits even at the expense of our homes and health. To get involved, please email Paul Seger at    

Paul Seger is a member of the Delta Group Executive Committee.

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