Spring Photo Highlight: Bobcat on the Prowl in Point Reyes

Bobcat in Point Reyes
A note from the photographer, Lisa Spivack:

A bobcat’s peak hunting hours are usually around dawn and dusk, about three hours between sunset and midnight. On occasion, you may see them earlier, but only for a fleeting moment before they hurriedly disappear into the brush. Luckily for me, a Lynx rufus was on the prowl at 2 pm on this special day. As a result, I was able to capture images of this beautiful cat in great lighting. I suspect I owe it to the long and intense rainy spell we had the week before this photo was taken. Most animals were still sheltering, taking cover during the unusually wet conditions. However, this bobcat was busy tracking its next meal. So busy, in fact, that it could care less about my presence, and I kept taking photos as fast as I could.

Curious to learn more about the wildlife in Point Reyes? Check out nps.gov/pore/planyourvisit/wildlife_viewing.htm for more information, and learn how to respectfully observe the seashore’s stunning biodiversity.

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