
Bay Alive Policy Positions Related to Sea Level Rise


SF Bay birds

The Sierra Club has developed a number of policies that govern how we respond to Sea Level Rise.  The Bay Alive Campaign has distilled those policies into a Position Book that spells out the relevant positions as they relate to Sea Level Rise in the San Francisco Bay. 

General Resources Related to Sea Level Rise in San Francisco Bay

There are many great resources relating to sea level rise in existance, due to the complex nature and importance of the subject. A good place to start would be with several sites that map the results of sea level rise along the edge of the Bay. These sites also do a good job of explaining some of the science related to the phenomenon.

San Francisco Bay Joint Venture's Restoring the Estuary
Adapting to Rising Tides' Bay Shoreline Flood Explorer
Our Coast Our Future's Hazard Map

San Francisco Bay Joint Venture's Restoring the Estuary


Adapting to Rising Tides' Bay Shoreline Flood Explorer


Our Coast Our Future's Hazard Map



San Francisco Estuary Partnership's Estuary Blueprint
SFEI Baylands
Adaptation Atlas

San Francisco Estuary Partnership's Estuary Blueprint


San Francisco's Estuary Institute's Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals


San Francisco's Estuary Institute's Adaptation Atlas



FWS Tidal Marsh Ecosystems Recovery Plan
SFEI Sediment for Survival
BCDC Adapting to Rising Tides

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Tidal Marsh Ecosystems Recovery Plan


San Francisco's Estuary Institute's Sediment for Survival


BCDC's Adapting to Rising Tides



Bay Adapt
SFEI Shallow Groundwater Response

Bay Conservation and Development Commission Led Bay Adapt


San Francisco's Estuary Institute's Shallow Groundwater Response to Sea-Level Rise