Bay Alive Campaign Releases Animated Educational Video “Are You Ready for Groundwater Rise?”

Sierra Club Campaign Releases Second Video In Sea Level Rise Educational Series


San Francisco Bay Area, CA, August 22, 2024: Sierra Club’s Bay Alive Campaign has released the second installment in its sea level rise educational video series. The new animated video “Are You Ready for Groundwater Rise?” explores the hidden threat of groundwater rise, driven by sea level rise. 

The sea level rise video series breaks down the complicated and scientific facts into smaller, digestible segments to which the general public can relate. The first video in the series provides an overview of the benefits provided by the Bay’s natural shoreline, as well as the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) and its Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP) guidelines, which are due by the end of 2024. 

BCDC’s RSAP guidelines will provide criteria that all shoreline communities in the Bay Area are required to include in their sea level rise adaptation plans, which must be submitted to BCDC for approval by 2034. The first public draft of the RSAP guidelines is expected to be released in mid-September.

"Groundwater rise is a complex and often overlooked consequence of sea level rise, but it's a threat that will impact all of our communities,” said Arthur Feinstein, Bay Alive Campaign’s Sea Level Rise Committee Chair. “Our video series breaks down complex issues into clear, understandable concepts so that everyone can engage in the conversation and advocate for solutions. By educating the public, we aim to ensure that the upcoming RSAP guidelines prioritize nature-based solutions, protect our natural shorelines, and provide vital support for communities with the least capacity to adapt."

Upcoming video topics will include unsustainable shoreline development, what nature-based solutions look like and why they are important, and more.

About the Bay Alive Campaign

The Bay Alive Campaign is organized by Sierra Club Chapters located in the San Francisco Bay Area (Loma Prieta, San Francisco Bay, and Redwood Chapters) and Sierra Club California.  The Campaign is both regional and local in its scope. The goal of the campaign is to build equitable community and ecological resilience to sea level rise while promoting a collaborative and regionally aligned approach to sea level rise adaptation that prioritizes nature-based resilience strategies to both protect our communities and preserve our Bay’s health.

Bay Alive’s regional work is performed by a committee composed of volunteers and staff from each chapter, who develop region-wide policy positions and work with scientists, agencies and other entities that operate with a Bay-regional focus. In addition, each chapter takes action in its own geographic location to build local awareness and influence local entities. Our current 2024 efforts focus on the development of BCDC's RSAP guidelines, in order to advocate for climate change resilience for our communities and the ecological health of the Bay.

Watch the two videos in the sea level rise educational series.
