Outside Recipe for Sunday Brunch

Take a generous donation, add some volunteer hours, mix in hot outdoor air and what do you get? Ventura Sierra Club showing off the best in our community on Sunday morning Aug 5, 2018. We met at the Fillmore Native Plant Garden, a not-quite-finished site that has gone from invasive weed removal to bare ground to native plant growth. Lee Mandell, a club member from Piru, had made a set of 15 numbered guideposts to go in the ground for reference in an upcoming visitor brochure. Being 5 minutes away, Lee has taken the Fillmore site to heart, coming out over the last year to plant species, take out weeds and make the garden a genuine nature resource for the public.

Plant Identification


Was it hot?  Yes, so all the better to get to watering the still establishing plants. Enter Jose Flores and Albert Dominguez, two regular Sierra Club helpers, who teamed up to drag the hose around the acre for an hour and half. Completed with a smile. The two are entering UCSB in a few weeks but offered to produce a written brochure with photos of the site for the visitor kiosk before they leave.

Just another day in the lives of some of our best help? Perhaps, but they know the rewarding feeling of seeing a great project come to life, leaving a lasting improvement in their neighborhood and inspiring others to do good things elsewhere. You want to try? Anytime you’re ready Sierra Club is ready for you.

Sunday Group Photo

See our youtube guidepost install video shorts :