December 2024 Outings

December 8
ROMERO CONNECTOR LOOP: This a 2mrt, 550 ft elev gain exploratory hike on a little-used trail. Starting out at the Romero Cyn trailhead, we will use the access road and a short section of the Romero Cyn single-track trail. We will use the Connector trail to reach the powerline tower pad that overlooks the main canyon trailhead. Return by way of the Romero Cyn fireroad. Note that this hike is rated exploratory as sections of the trail have not been cleared. This hike also involves 4 creek crossings. The fire road has several landslides and is steep in places. We may encounter some poison oak. Long pants, sun protection and hiking boots are recommended. A hiking staff is highly recommended as it can be helpful in the creek crossings and descending steep fire road sections. Bring water as it can be quite warm in the canyon. Meet at 9am at the Romero Cyn trailhead. GERRY, (SB)

December 14
ROMERO CYN TRAIL to EAST CAMINO CIELO: Strenuous 6hr, 7 mi out and back with 2,200 elevation gain. Emphasis on native plants and natural history. Bring lunch and min 3 liters water, Group size limit 10. Meet at 9am at the Romero Cyn Trailhead, Bella Vista Dr. Montecito.