Nature-Based Adaptation Webinar Resources

Overall resources on San Francisco Bay tidal wetlands, sea level rise resilience and nature-based solutions:

2015 Bay Ecosystem Habitat Goals Update – An update of the 1999 Bay Goals Project that incorporates the issues of climate change and sediment supply and identifies opportunities (identified by geographic regions) that will help sustain the ecological health of San Francisco Bay.

2020 San Francisco Bay Shoreline Adaptation Atlas – Introduction to the concept of Operational Landscape Units, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), and that NBS might be appropriate for each OLU. Maps of each OLU are provided along with descriptions.

2013 Tidal Marsh Ecosystem Recovery Plan – Identifies threats and steps needed to recover tidal wetland habitat – provides mapping of areas where recovery actions might occur.

SFEI’s 2021 “Sediment for Survival” – Explains predicted sediment supplies and steps that need to be taken to ensure there is an adequate sediment supply to sustain tidal wetlands as sea levels continue to rise.

Adapting to Rising Tides – San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)-led initiative to provide planning guidance, tools, and information that the Bay Area needs to address the challenges of climate change.

Bay Adapt – BCDC-led process to develop guidance for a regional strategy to deal with the challenges posed by sea level rise.

May 13th: Webinar Series Day One

References mentioned by John Bourgeois:

References mentioned or suggested by Julie Beagle:

References mentioned or suggested by Julian Wood:

References mentioned by Valary Bloom:

References mentioned or suggested by Christina Toms:

May 20th: Webinar Series Day Two

References mentioned or suggested by Marilyn Latta: