Take Action: Stop Oil and Gas Drilling in Contra Costa County

By Jacob Klein

Oil drilling

Contra Costa County is currently revising its General Plan, which will dictate land use policy for the next twenty years. Unfortunately, the new oil and gas policy it’s proposing still allows oil and gas extraction on County land.

While the General Plan includes 3,200-foot setbacks in line with state recommendations, scientific studies show that even that distance is not enough. If we know that living near drilling sites is a danger to health, then we should ask the County to ban oil and gas extraction on public land altogether. Contra Costa County has the opportunity to be a leader in the state by ending extraction sites that pose a danger to our health and our climate.

It’s time for us to tell the County we don't want them to approve any more drilling. Antioch passed a drilling ban in January, and Brentwood just placed a moratorium on drilling while it works on a permanent ban. Now the County needs to do the same. Toxic pollutants and climate emissions from oil and gas production don't stop at lines on a map. Contra Costa must do better.

The County needs to hear from us. You can take action and make your voice heard by:

  • Signing the Sunflower Alliance’s petition by May 8th, which will be presented at the County Board of Supervisors meeting.

  • Attending the County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 10th at 9am. The Sunflower Alliance will be presenting their petition, speaking during the time allotted to comment on non-agenda items, and holding a press conference at 8:30am outside the County Building at 1025 Escobar in Martinez. East County activists will be speaking, along with MDs and youth activists. Come join us if you can. You can also watch the livestream on Facebook.

  • Testifying at the County Planning Commission hearing on May 11th at 6:30pm. Use this guide to craft your own comments. The Zoom meeting information will be posted here by May 6th. You can also submit written comments to planninghearing@dcd.cccounty.us.

Please save the dates and plan to participate! This is an all hands on deck moment, and our community needs to be heard.

Photo credit: Copyright Al Braden. Photo by Al Braden.

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