People, Power, and Politics in Local Sierra Club Executive Committees

By Peggy da Silva

As members, we know that the Sierra Club is a well-recognized and respected name — some even call it a ‘brand.” So when the Sierra Club takes a position on an issue, it garners attention. Whether stopping coal exports, protecting communities impacted by toxic substances, or making the case for free-flowing streams, we influence decisions that affect all of us (and our grandchildren). Our direct actions and outings help people to “Explore, Enjoy, and Protect” our environment; our political endorsements help to elect officials who fight for our work and our local communities.

But what is often forgotten is that we — each one of us — are the Sierra Club. From the local Group Executive Committees  (Ex Coms) to the national Board of Directors, we elect the people who speak for us as a Club. These leaders work very hard and dedicate countless hours to our cause — why do they do it? And  should you consider joining them at the table (or Zoom room)?

I spoke with three current leaders in the SF Bay Chapter, who shared their motivations, success stories, and hopes for even better leadership and effectiveness as we move through 2022 and beyond. These leaders are:

Melinda Howard-Herrarte
Melinda Howard-Herrarte
Member of the Chapter Ex Com (past) and the Northern Alameda County Group Ex Com (current)
Beth Bittle
Beth Bittle
Member of the Mount Diablo Group Ex Com
Lisa Park
Lisa Park
Member of the West Contra Costa County Group Ex Com

Motivation: Both Beth and Lisa were long-time Sierra Club members — Beth has been an outings leader for many years, while Lisa volunteered in the Chapter office. Both said that they were encouraged to take another step — to become part of the decision-making group for their area. Both are very interested in the political endorsement process and have been energized by the interactions with candidates and the chance to make endorsements. Melinda took the step from “member” to “leader” because she wanted to make sure that the voices of the people in her community were heard by the decision-makers.

Experience: All three note the amazing opportunities for learning that they have enjoyed — especially learning about the complexities of the Sierra Club and how it functions in the community. They have been able to contribute via direct environmental actions, setting up strategic planning processes for their Groups, and bringing their own personal skills to each committee. They emphasize that they truly enjoy working with the other Ex Com members; one comment was “I’d be friends with them anyway if I weren’t in these meetings.” They mourn the past two years with the restrictions on meetings, tabling, and hiking in-person — and are glad that more in-person gatherings are being planned.

Suggestions for Potential New Ex Com Members: First and foremost, take advantage of the opportunities to learn! The Sierra Club has numerous training opportunities, fellow leaders hold a wealth of information, and your Sierra Club position gains you entrée into meetings with all sorts of community movers-and-shakers. Recognize that your voice matters — our Club needs to be inclusive and diversify our approaches to solving the problems we face.

Interested? Reach out to Beth, Lisa, or Melinda to hear more about what it’s like being a Sierra Club leader — contact information is listed on our Leadership Roster. I also encourage you to contact the Chair of our Chapter Ex Com, Chance Cutrano, or any other Ex Com Chairs or Vice Chairs, who are also listed on the roster.

If you’d like to run for Ex Com in 2022, you can! Make sure your membership is up-to-date, watch for details on our Chapter Elections page and/or contact You can also attend our 2022 Chapter Elections Virtual Open House on May 16th from 6:30 - 7:30pm to learn more about the elections process: register here!

You too can be the power and voice of the Sierra Club — the oldest, most respected, and most grassroots environmental organization in our country.

Peggy da Silva is the chair of the Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter Nominations and Elections Committee.

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