Making A Difference With the Chapter Nominations & Elections Committee

Pamela Green and her son enjoying the Bay Area parks.By Pamela Green

As a long-time member and supporter of the Sierra Club, I felt compelled to step up my involvement with the organization above signing online petitions, reading about the latest happenings in the Yodeler, and taking hikes. When my now two-year old son was born, I wanted to put my money where my mouth was, in more ways than donations. When I saw the opportunity to join the SF Bay Chapter Nominations & Elections Committee, I knew I wanted to jump in and expand what I knew about the group as well as hopefully make a tangible difference in my local community.

The Chapter Nominations Committee in 2021 was made up of Chair Peggy da Silva as well as members Scott Simmons, Tiffany Ngo, Sarah Ranney, and Lucy Claire Curran. Everyone was so welcoming, individually checking in with me to answer questions and help lead me through the processes we would be engaging with during the year. I was impressed by each person’s dedication to wanting to help bring about more fairness and equality to the nominating and elections processes, as well as their own passion for the environment.

I very quickly saw the many challenges that the Committee faces each year in terms of trying to bring in new voices as well as support the members who have been working for so long to help the Sierra Club. While we didn’t always have the support of everyone, it felt like important work to continue to keep the Sierra Club moving in an upward direction toward more equity, bringing in diverse voices, and encouraging everyone to speak up and join with the Sierra Club’s mission:

“To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;
To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources;
To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.”

With so many obstacles facing the Earth’s natural resources, flora, and fauna, I hope to do even the smallest things to help support the Sierra Club and to ensure we have Executive Committees that uphold this general mission. Hopefully in my second year on the Committee we will be able to make some more positive impacts, such as increasing voter turnout even more, continuing to bring in diverse people and voices, and overall helping to save our environment.

If you’d like to get involved in the Chapter’s Nominations and Elections Committee, please contact

Photo credit: Pamela Green and her son enjoying the Bay Area parks in Mill Valley.

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