Secretary Needed for Chapter Executive Committee

The San Francisco Bay Chapter Executive Committee — the Chapter's highest leadership body — is looking for a Secretary to participate in meetings and record minutes. This position requires strong attention to detail, timeliness, quick typing (or note-taking) skills, familiarity with Google Docs and Zoom, and ability to stay focused throughout lengthy evening meetings. Anyone with these skills is encouraged to apply.

The Secretary serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. Basic knowledge of the San Francisco Bay Chapter's structure and operations is a plus, but not a necessity. Familiarity with Robert's Rules of Order (or interest in learning about this system for conducting meetings and making decisions as a group) is also a plus.

The ExCom generally meets on the second Monday of each month from 6:30 pm until approximately 9:30 pm (or possibly later) depending on the agenda. Due to COVID meetings are held by Zoom. Please email if you are interested or have any questions.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Chapter operations and get involved in its activities. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter logo

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