Welcoming New Leadership: A Letter from Olga Bolotina

By Olga Bolotina

It’s been a long, short ride! These last two years, during which I have been honored to serve as the Chair of our SF Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club, have passed by with lightning speed. Yet looking back at the beginning of 2020 when I first was elected, it seems an enormous number of profound things have happened over my tenure. Just like the rest of the world, we had to face our humanity and keep our important work thriving throughout the most devastating pandemic of our times, facing heartbreaking personal and collective losses. We dug deep inside to examine and reconcile our roles in racial and gender inequities, and we bear witness as our hard fight for democracy faces new threats. Indeed, leading the Chapter in these unprecedented times was and still is an adventure.

Despite and because of all of those and other enormous challenges, our community only grew stronger. I am rejoicing in the notion that among other wins, our chapter is in great financial health, is looking to find a new home office, and is hiring more organizers. We also had several conservation wins that have ripple effects beyond the Bay Area. Together with our allies, we defeated a coal terminal in Richmond, stopped the expansion of huge distribution centers in Alameda County, and continue to advance electrification throughout the Chapter territory. All of these and other accomplishments are because of the hard work of our volunteers and the effective leadership of our amazing Chapter staff, led by Director Virginia Reinhart. Under Virginia’s caring, steady, and wise leadership, the Chapter is flourishing and expanding our conservation reach, environmental advocacy, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion trainings that we started in 2021.

I am excited and proud to pass the baton to two incredible individuals who I have had the pleasure and honor to serve alongside with for the last two years. Chapter Chair Chance Cutrano and Chapter Vice Chair Martha Kreeger proved themselves to be true visionaries and hardworking, thoughtful, and wise leaders with holistic and inclusive approaches.

Our chapter has a truly bright and exciting future with the amazing leadership of the current staff and the board!

I want to express deep, heartfelt gratitude to my Sierra Club colleagues and friends for their unwavering advocacy and to thank you, our dear members, for your continuing support and trust in us. I invite you to get involved with this exciting team to increase your firsthand impact in the world of conservation and nature protection for all!

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