Congrats to Our Newly Elected Executive Committee Members!

We’d like to thank all of our members who participated in our 2021 Chapter Election, whether by casting their ballot, running for a leadership position, or working on a Elections and Nominations Committee. Your active involvement in our Chapter’s elections process keeps our grassroots organization strong!

Congratulations to our newly elected members, who are listed below. These individuals will serve two-year terms starting in 2022. Additionally, all three Chapter bylaw amendments and the Northern Alameda County (NAC) Group bylaw amendment passed. These amendments include adding the Immediate Past Chair position to the Chapter Executive Committee (ExCom), limiting the tenure of Chapter ExCom Chairs and Vice Chairs to three consecutive years, and adding a rule for both the Chapter and NAC Group ExComs that the Chair may not serve on the Nominating and/or Elections Committee. For a more detailed explanation of these amendments, please watch this overview video.

Our Chapter Elections and Nominations Committee also welcomes involvement from all members. If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact

Chapter Executive Committee:

  • Chance Cutrano
  • Martha Kreeger
  • Max Perrey
  • John Rizzo
  • Igor Tregub

Marin Group Executive Committee:

  • Chance Cutrano
  • Sharon Farrell
  • Jinesse Reynolds
  • Judy Schriebman

Mount Diablo Group Executive Committee:

  • Beth Bittle

Northern Alameda County Group Executive Committee:

  • Ben Fong
  • Sophie Hahn
  • Melinda Howard-Herrarte
  • Andy Katz
  • Kent Lewandowski

San Francisco Group Executive Committee:

  • Hunter Cutting
  • Olga Mandrussow
  • John Rizzo
  • Howard Strassner
  • Howard Wong

Southern Alameda County Group Executive Committee:

  • Vinnie Bacon
  • William Yragui

Tri-Valley Group Executive Committee:

  • Donna Cabanne
  • Larry Gosselin
  • Lynn Seppala

West Contra Costa County Group Executive Committee:

  • Lisa Park


Some of our Groups still have open seats on their Executive Committees:


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