Support Needed to Pass Berkeley Climate Literacy Resolution on Nov. 3

Update Nov. 4: The resolution passed unanimously, including funding to get this program off the ground! Thank you to everyone who spoke out and turned up to make this happen.

By Sarah Ranney

A Climate Literacy Resolution is on the agenda for the November 3rd meeting of the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) Board of Education and community support is needed to get it approved. This is the most comprehensive Climate Literacy resolution proposed to date in the Bay Area, and it even includes funding to get it started and for ongoing support. 

The Berkeley Climate Literacy Resolution includes commitment from BUSD to:

  • Graduate students well versed in climate change science, issues and solutions, and to understand environmental and climate justice as a civil rights issue;

  • Create an Environmental Literacy Working Group to develop a comprehensive eco-literacy curriculum;

  • Engage, center and elevate voices and existing work of the communities most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Passing this resolution will affirm the need for a teacher-led, district-funded, integrated approach for teaching about climate change. But it’s not a sure thing: We need your help to make sure it passes, and with funding attached. A big show of community support is critical! Here are a few ways to do it:

1. Speak during Public Comment at 7pm, Wed 11/3. 

Student voices will be prioritized by the Board, but all voices of support are needed! It's important to join promptly at 7pm and "raise your hand" in Zoom to get in line for public comment. 

See  Zoom Instructions for additional information. 

Suggested topics to cover in Public Comment:

  • Climate Change is happening all around us, but our teachers haven't been equipped with the tools and support to talk about it in the classroom. 

  • This resolution will give teachers support and autonomy in determining the curriculum that makes sense. Teacher buy-in is critical for this work.

  • Vote to approve the full funding. $221K over 3 years provides stipends for teacher leaders and PD. Without funding, we can't have progress here. 

  • The time is now to make a decisive commitment to help our teachers and students navigate the changing world.

2. Send the Board an email before Wednesday 11/3. 

The address reaches all Board members. You could touch on the topics above, or why this Resolution matters to you, to students, and to teachers. 

3. Create short videos or photos of support.

We will compile these and run it as a slideshow during Wednesday's meeting. This is a great way to engage kids in this process! Make a cool sign or poster, send a brief video about why climate change matters to you. 

Berkeley schools, and the Berkeley community at large, are already home to students, teachers, and organizers showing great leadership in climate literacy and justice work, in and out of the classroom. But an organized educational response to the climate emergency will ensure that teachers have the resources and support to maintain and grow this important work. 

Students equipped with science-based knowledge will have a greater chance of success understanding, adapting, and responding effectively to climate issues. Climate justice education that is focused on doable solutions energizes and empowers our children for a sustainable future and a livable planet. 


Photo credit: Frances Denny for The Luupe,