The Northern Alameda County Group Is Looking for a Treasurer!

By the Northern Alameda County Group Executive Committee

Update 8/31/21: This position is now filled.

After devoting many years of service to the Northern Alameda County (NAC) Group as our Treasurer, Anna Robinson is retiring from the position. We thank her for all her hard work over the past eleven years!

The non-voting position on our Executive Committee is now open for applications. We are seeking a volunteer who can provide oversight of the finances for the NAC Group, working alongside the Finance Committee and staff to ensure the group’s financial stability and solvency. Treasurer training and ongoing support is provided by the Sierra Club’s Offices of Chapter Funding and Finance.

Responsibilities include:

  • Report the Group’s financial status to the Executive Committee monthly.
  • With staff support, complete and submit year-end financial reports.
  • Review invoices and other payment requests for accuracy. Ensure that grants and restricted funds are spent in accordance with donor restrictions.
  • With staff support, prepare an annual budget and regularly compare financial transactions to the approved budget.
  • Communicate and promote adherence to all Sierra Club policies and procedures that relate to grants, investments, tax issues, insurance, contracts, legal services, contract employees, hiring staff, and political regulatory compliance.

Time commitment: The Treasurer is encouraged but not required to join the regular NAC Group Executive Committee to report on Group finances on the evening of the last Monday of each month (meetings currently held over Zoom). Some time is required to prepare and review documents ahead of each meeting. The Treasurer has regular oversight and approval responsibilities that vary throughout the year: for example, the Treasurer approves expense reimbursements, contracts, and grant reports throughout the year, while more time will need to be spent at the end of each year for preparing the next year’s budget, and in preparing annual financial reports in the first quarter of each year.

Professional experience in finance or accounting is not required. If you work in finance, please consult your employer before applying.

To apply: write to NAC Group chair Igor Tregub at stating why you’re interested in this position and what your qualifications are.

Thumbnail image: Redwood Regional Park in Oakland by H Grimes via Flickr Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)