Members Choose, Members Get Involved, Members Vote

By Peggy da Silva

In the Yodeler, on the blog, and in other communications from our Chapter, you can learn how our Chapter staff and volunteer activists are working to make our Bay Area greener, healthier, and more equitable. Our club’s mission is to “preserve, protect and enjoy” our environment. A good goal, in general. But what exactly is important to you? 

We have eight regional Groups, with leaders who choose priorities for Sierra Club action. We have a Chapter Executive Committee, which oversees all the activities. And we have you — among 33,000 Chapter members — who can be involved in our important work.  

While some members get involved in outings and actions, very few participate in voting for our leaders — with only two percent turnout in last year’s election. This makes our chapter less representative of its members (you), less likely to put resources into the causes that you care about, and less likely to be effective with public officials and residents when we say that we are “grassroots.”

Why don’t members vote? The Chapter Nominations and Elections Committee (NomCom) asked this question in the Spring issue of the Yodeler.  People answered our questions and here are some top reasons for not voting:

  • I give money to the Sierra Club, along with lots of other organizations. So that’s my involvement.
  • It’s too hard to get changes made — Club leadership is set in their ways.
  • It was confusing to figure out how to vote, and who to vote for.
  • Too busy.

Thank you for your ideas!  The 2021 NomCom is working to address all of them. Here are our responses:

1: We very much appreciate your support that empowers our chapter to do our great work. But let’s reclaim the term “member.”  Words matter.  How many organizations or companies call you “member”?  Similar to what has happened to the word “friend,” this word can be cheapened. Our grassroots organization functions through member involvement in our committees, campaigns, and events. Let’s be clear that members have a say in what happens in our club!

2: This can be a long-term challenge, but if members exercise their rights to attend and speak out at group and issue committee meetings, raise awareness about issues they care about, and vote, changes can be made.   

3: Our NomCom is working to make the voting process as easy and transparent as possible. See the chart below for seats up for election in 2021, and check out our Chapter Elections webpage in September to find out who’s running this year and learn more about each candidate. The voting period opens on November 3rd, with members receiving their ballot both electronically and in the mail with their Winter issue of the Yodeler. Ballots must be submitted electronically or received in the mail by November 30th. 

Graphic of open seats on Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter Executive Committees for the 2021 election.

4: We understand! Democracy is messy. We know our members are doing important work across the Bay, and we want to support that work. In order to make your Sierra Club more effective locally and nationally, try to carve out just an hour to vote for your volunteer leaders. They will contribute more time and resources, including staff time, to help achieve the goals that you and other members have set as priorities.

You have until November to learn more about possible leaders, express your opinions to the candidates, and think about the impact you want our chapter to have. The NomCom is hosting virtual chapter-wide Candidate Meet-and-Greets on September 27th from 7:30 to 9pm and September 29th from 4:30 to 6pm, with more to be announced soon in our email bulletins, including a designated San Francisco Group event. You can find more details and register on the Activities and Events calendar event listings. And be on the lookout for your Winter issue of the Yodeler which will include candidate statements and your paper ballot.

So why should you vote? So we can build a more vibrant and effective Sierra Club and a healthier and more equitable Bay Area for all the people and living beings who dwell here!

Any questions: please contact us at or check out our Chapter Elections webpage.

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