RAPID ACTION NEEDED: Call the Governor Now to Protect Tesla Park

The Governor is wavering on protecting a unique area of California lands where John Muir himself studied. Please call Governor Newsom now and urge him to support the Tesla Park budget trailer bill.

Tesla Park is in eastern Alameda County. The area has rare ecological value and contains an abundance of highly sensitive natural resources. You can read more about Tesla Park’s importance and rich biodiversity here.

For over 20 years, the land has been at risk of becoming an off-highway vehicle park. The Tesla Park budget trailer bill will protect this land by requiring the state to permanently preserve the land for non-motorized use.

Support California lands and call Governor Newsom at 916-445-2841 to urge him to support preserving Tesla Park for non-motorized use!

You can say:

My name is ___________, I am a resident of California, and I’m calling to urge Gov. Newsom to support the Tesla Park budget trailer bill.

Tesla Park is a richly biodiverse area that has drawn naturalists, ecologists, zoologists, and other life scientists to that land for more than 100 years to study nature and natural systems. Protecting this area from OHV use is directly in line with the Governor’s 30 by 30 initiative.

Please support the Tesla Park budget trailer bill. Thank you.

Call Governor Newsom at 916-445-2841 right away. If you do not get an answer, please leave a message. Every call counts!


Photo courtesy Save Tesla Park, https://www.teslapark.org/.