Chapter Election Results

Thank you to all the members who took part in the Executive Committee elections for the Sierra Club’s San Francisco Bay Chapter and its eight local groups. Whether by stepping up to run for a leadership position or by voting in the election, your active participation helps keep our grassroots organization strong!

Congratulations to the following election winners. These individuals will serve two-year terms, joining Executive Committee members elected in odd years:

Chapter Executive Committee:

  • Olga Bolotina
  • Becky Evans
  • Arthur Feinstein
  • Marisol Rubio

Marin Group Executive Committee:

  • Barbara Bogard 
  • Mickey Allison
  • Susan Hopp
  • Pamela Meigs
  • Silke Valentine
  • Judith Rogers

Mount Diablo Group Executive Committee:

  • Mark Van Landuyt
  • Wietske Medema

Northern Alameda County Group Executive Committee:

  • Igor Tregub
  • Rochelle Nason
  • Aaron Priven
  • Jonathan Bair

Southern Alameda County Group Executive Committee:

  • Jannet Benz
  • Laurie Price
  • Martha Kreeger

Tri-Valley Group Executive Committee:

  • Matthew Morrison
  • Joseph Grcar
  • Steven Dunbar
  • Marisol Rubio

Delta Group Executive Committee:

  • Nancy D’Cruz
  • Paul Seger

San Francisco Group Executive Committee:

  • Becky Evans
  • Linda Weiner
  • Kim-Shree Maufas
  • Katherine Howard


To see the full leadership leadership roster, click here.


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