Normal is Not Sustainable: Be a Leader for Change with the Sierra Club

By Lucy Claire Curran

We are certainly living in very strange and difficult times! Some people say: “I just can’t wait to get back to normal.” But with the pandemic, the ongoing struggle with systemic racism, political polarization, and all of this on top of the ever-present climate crisis, many of us are taking a moment to pause, take stock, and examine our priorities.

The Sierra Club has a long history and important work to do:

  • To explore, enjoy and protect the planet

  • To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; 

  • To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Might this be a moment for a new generation of Bay Chapter leaders to join those who have been doing so much good work for so long? Is this the moment for YOU to lean into the conversation? Is your voice needed as part of the discussion? (Here’s a hint: We think so!)

We here at the SF Bay Chapter Nominations Committee believe that the grassroots leadership structure of the Sierra Club is worth investing in. Furthermore, we believe that a robust and fully functioning grassroots leadership structure requires member engagement. This means two things:

  1. We need members to run for leadership positions; and

  2. We need members to turn out to vote for the best leaders.

Here’s your opportunity to learn more about elections in our chapter: just go to the SF Bay Area Chapter election webpage

Even as the Sierra Club and the environmental movement as a whole digs deep and takes a hard look at inequities and injustices, let’s re-commit ourselves to our mission in new ways. 

Let’s be honest and courageous and keep our dialogue nuanced and thoughtful, and let’s make sure we are welcoming and elevating a wider range of voices at the table. Head to the elections webpage today to get more information and to nominate yourself or someone else for a leadership position. 

The deadline for nomination by committee is September 8 and September 28 for petition candidates. Contact us at elections at or call committee chair Peggy da Silva at 415-305-7897 if you have any questions. We are happy to answer any questions.

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