The Nominating Committee: Helping to make the grassroots grow

Every year, the work of ensuring free and fair elections for Sierra Club Chapter and Group Executive Committee (ExCom) positions is carried out by a committee you may not have heard much about: the Chapter Nomination Committee (NomCom). ExCom Committee members are chosen for their knowledge of the Club and a willingness to fairly oversee the nomination and election process. This year, seven members were appointed to the NomCom, each member bringing a unique skill set and perspective. Usually members of this committee are selected to continue as members of the Election Committee in September. In addition to the Chapter NomCom, several of our eight regional groups also have active their own Nominating Committees. 

From 2015 to 2019, the S.F. Bay Chapter NomCom was chaired by Matt Morrison. His work with the committee ensured any campaign and voting conflicts were resolved by consulting with everyone involved, and that committee decisions were in accordance with chapter election rules, bylaws, and National Club rules and guidelines.

This year, Peggy da Silva has stepped up to chair the committee. She has several goals: to increase the transparency of the committee, increase outreach and communication to prospective candidates, ensure enough new candidates are nominated to have competitive elections, increase voter turnout, and more actively ensure all regional groups are involved in the election process.

If you are an active Sierra Club member who is passionate about the environment and committed to local issues, you might consider running for a seat on your local Sierra Club Group ExCom. The NomCom can provide you with information about the nomination and election process. 

Want to learn more? Sign up for future nomination updates by contacting the Bay Chapter Nominating Committee at

Key Dates:

  • June – Group Nominations Committees are established: Time to look for and encourage local Club members to run for leadership positions.
  • July 14 – Nomination period opens: Packets with questionnaires and information available to all interested candidates.
  • September 28 - Nomination period is closed: All information on candidates must be complete.
  • November 16 to December 11 – Elections period: Votes can be sent in via Yodeler insert or submitted electronically.


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