Volunteers needed as tree planting season kicks off!

Looking for a small but impactful way to help in the fight against climate change and green your community over a weekend? Volunteer to plant trees with the Sierra Club! Once a month, our Tree Team plants trees in sidewalks all around Oakland. As these trees grow, they help to improve air quality, sequester carbon, and improve the environmental conditions of our neighborhoods. Many of the beautiful large trees you see along sidewalks are the result of volunteer-led efforts like ours, and we still have so much more to do.

We hold planting events once a month, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. No experience is required, but volunteers should be ready to do some digging and get a bit dirty. We meet at our staging area in the parking lot of Epic Charter School, near Fruitvale BART. The trees will be in other places around town, so please be on time so we can check in before we disperse. Please register in advance on the Bay Chapter's outings calendar or our Meetup group if you would like to join us in making a difference.

2019-2020 tree-planting event dates:

  • October 13, 2019
  • October 27, 2019
  • November 24, 2019
  • December 15, 2019
  • January 19, 2020
  • February 9, 2020
  • March 15, 2020
  • April 19, 2020
  • May 17, 2020
  • June 14, 2020

We are also very much in need of volunteers for the following roles:

  • Folk who have trucks to help transport trees and materials to their locations

  • Arborists, landscape architects, or other related professionals to assist with leading events

If you are able to help in these roles, please contact sctreeplanting@gmail.com.

We also need volunteers for regular tree maintenance such as watering, trimming, pruning, stake repair and stake removal. Any 3 hour commitment during daylight hours is welcome. Arthur Boone, the Tree Team’ founder, is now leading our tree maintenance group, and welcomes new volunteers. Come to learn; stay to serve. Reach out to Arthur at arboone3@gmail.com or 510-910-6451. No texting or Facebook, please.


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