Snowcamping program hosts free informational sessions this fall

If you want to learn more about our snowcamping training program, come to a free informational clinic at an outdoor store near you! There are over 15 clinics scheduled in all parts of the Bay Area. See the full schedule at

Learn how to snowcamp with the Sierra Club Snowcamping Section!

Different people come to snowcamping for a variety of reasons. Do any of these sound like you?

  • You wish the backpacking season didn’t end with the first snow.

  • You want to learn to build an igloo or snow cave — and sleep in it!

  • You are eager to get to the outdoors early in the season when there is still snow in most areas.

  • You’ve had wilderness permits but the weather has stopped you or made you change your plans.

  • You’re an experienced backcountry skier who wants to extend your season.

  • You’re training for higher elevation hikes where snow can be an issue and you have questions on how to prepare.

  • You’re afraid that you don’t have the appropriate gear for cold weather in the backcountry where weather is too cold? 

  • You want to see our parks in their winter attire.

If any of the above describes you, come join the Bay Chapter’s Snowcamping Section for the upcoming 2020 season training program. For us there is no “off” season!

The Snowcamping training program includes an orientation day (this year on January 11th, 2020) and two mandatory field trips (multiple days offered). We will give you the basic knowledge of how you can be prepared for colder nights in the outdoors, what the right gear is to keep you warm and safe, how to handle unforeseen weather and snowy terrain, and how you can build snow structures as shelters. Our training is in a group format with leaders and assistant leaders to escort you on the field trips (adults, families and youth options available).

Ever wondered how people stay warm while sleeping on snow? How to carry all that gear? We’ll answer these questions and many more. Our Snowcamping training is now in its 51st year, having prepared more than 4,000 people how to extend their backpacking adventures to the winter months in a safe way. 

Our trainings are hands on, including practical experience in the field. The group experience allows each student to see and experience a variety of techniques and equipment. 

We will begin accepting applications on October 15th, 2019. The early-bird application deadline is November 30, 2019, with a final due date of December 13, 2019 (at 5:00 PM). The mandatory full-day classroom training is January 11, 2020. Trip dates vary by group. Prospective students should be experienced backpackers in good physical shape. A limited number of scholarships are available. Find more information at


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