Why she gives? "For generations to come," says Laura Einowski

Laura Einowski is relatively new to the Sierra Club, but in just three years she has made herself an invaluable member of our volunteer leadership team and our outings program, as well as through her financial contributions to the chapter.

After getting the lay of the land by volunteering as secretary to the chapter’s Executive Committee, she was appointed to the role of ExCom Vice Chair. She has also served on the chapter’s financial committee and David Brower Dinner planning committee, where she used her skills as an architectural color designer to create beautiful event graphics. In 2017, Laura raised over $1,000 for the chapter through a Team Sierra crowd-funded hike in Kings Canyon. Laura’s outings for the chapter’s Hiking section often have a strong educational component, connecting participants with current conservation campaigns. In 2018, Laura was elected by her fellow members to a 2019-2020 term on the ExCom.

Read this Q&A with Laura to learn what she finds so rewarding about contributing to the local chapter in all the myriad ways she does:

Q: What made you interested in the local chapter’s work?

I came to the chapter at a time when the country was entering a major political shift. I was hoping for the best but prepared for changes that would directly threaten so much of what is important to me, and so many others. As an avid backpacker and hiker, I needed to be an advocate to protect the environment and to help encourage others to do the same. Instead of silently watching I decided to get involved directly with the Sierra Club and be a part of the change I wanted to see.

Q: Why do you give to the chapter?

As someone who spends most of their free time on the trail and out in nature, I have been focused on how to preserve and conserve our lands for generations to come. Giving to the Sierra Club, both on a volunteer and monetary level, has been a great opportunity for me to contribute to what is important to me, while also benefiting others. Our local chapter works tirelessly on so many issues and campaigns that directly affect our community. It’s rewarding to be a part of that.

Q: Anything else you want to share?

Being an active volunteer with the Sierra Club has been a really amazing experience. I’ve been able to achieve more than I thought possible through my time and money donated to the organization. When I give locally, I am part of the changes that directly affect me, communities, and lands around me.

Photo: Laura Einowski backpacking the Rae Lake loop in Kings Canyon National Park.


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