Remembering Adam Duhan

By Suzanne York

Adam Duhan was passionate about people and the environment, especially increasing awareness on the need for a stable and healthy global population. For approximately six years, he co-chaired the Healthy People, Healthy Planet committee of the SF Bay Chapter (formerly called the Population, Health & Environment committee). He clearly understood the need to connect family planning, human rights and development with environmental conservation.

Adam’s sense of humor and energy level were legendary and always livened up the monthly committee meetings. He clearly wanted to see more support for reproductive health and rights and protecting the natural world and all beings. And he deeply felt the Sierra Club shouldn’t shy away from helping people understand the impacts of population growth and why it’s an important issue to get to that better and more equitable world so many of us want. One local Sierra Club member said that Adam was a hero in his eyes for restarting the local population committee.

Our committee will be a lot quieter without Adam’s presence and passion. He will be greatly missed. And consider yourself fortunate if you ever received one of his origami dollars, which he often worked on during our meetings. For more on Adam’s life, please read his obituary.

Photo: Adam (second from left) at a meeting of the Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter's Healthy People, Healthy Planet Committee.


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