Get your elected officials to the Regional Climate Emergency Mobilization Summit

By Richard Rollins

This is an opportunity for you to be represented at an important Regional Climate Emergency Mobilization Strategy meeting taking place next Friday, July 26th. Participation at this strategy meeting will allow your elected official to share and reinforce successful climate actions already taken, identify obstacles, and prepare for a larger Regional Climate Emergency Mobilization Summit in the fall. The goal of the  strategy meeting is to ensure that the fall Summit responds to the Bay Area’s needs.

We ask Sierra Club members and supporters to please call and ask their mayor, city council member or other elected representative to attend. Sample phone/email script:

Hi (elected official name),

I’m calling to ask you to attend the Climate Emergency Mobilization Strategy meeting this Friday July 26 in San Francisco.

This climate strategy meeting is an important step in cities and counties working together on our climate challenges.

It is aimed at elected officials so that city and county staff can share and reinforce successful climate actions already taken, identify obstacles, and prepare for a larger Regional Climate Emergency Mobilization Summit in the Fall.

To RSVP or ask questions, you can contact:

Cheryl Davila
Councilmember, City of Berkeley
Chair, Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force (CEMTF)
Phone: 510-981-7120

Thank you

Thanks for your help in mobilizing in support of local action to address our climate crisis!

To learn more about our work on the climate emergency and get involved, read "Yes, there is a climate emergency! (And here's what you can do)".


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