Call for new leaders! Nomination period for chapterwide elections now open

The Sierra Club will hold 2019-2020 elections for the San Francisco Bay Chapter Executive Committees (ExComms) and its eight group ExComms this fall. These elected positions provide critical leadership for the Sierra Club, steering the Sierra Club’s priorities and taking an active part in making the chapter and its groups function well.

Sierra Club members are encouraged to consider candidacy for themselves, nominate another member, or volunteer for the Nomination/Elections Committee. A vigorous election with many candidates helps to ensure that the Sierra Club leadership reflects its membership and provides vision for the future. So please consider nominating yourself or encouraging someone you know!

ExComm members must attend regular meetings, determine Sierra Club positions on many critical environmental issues, and take an active part in making the chapter or group function well.

To be considered for nomination, applications are due by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 3rd. The Nominations Committee will respond to applications by Tuesday, September 9th. To see a list of open positions and learn more about the requirements and expectations, check out the 2019 Chapter Elections webpage. For specific questions, feel free to email the Nominating Committee at

Candidates not nominated by the committee can run by petition. The deadline for receipt of petitions is 5:00 PM on Monday, September 23rd.

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