Marin Supervisors to vote on fate of initiative concerning San Geronomo Golf Course property

Tomorrow afternoon the Marin County Board of Supervisors will vote on what to do with an initiative petition that would require voter approval in order for the former San Geronimo Golf Course property to be used for any purpose other than golf. The Sierra Club has long advocated for the County to purchase the golf course for public use and restore the creek that runs through the property — vital spawning streams for endangered coho salmon. Unfortunately, after reviewing the initiative petition under consideration, we have concluded that it is an inappropriate and impractical method for planning for the future of this parcel.

Click here to send a message to the Board of Supervisors encouraging them NOT to adopt this flawed measure tomorrow and instead adopt the staff recommendation to first commission a report on its potential impacts.

A report on the San Geronimo Golf Course initiative petition would examine the measure’s fiscal impact; its impacts on issues like open space and traffic congestion; and whether it would establish a bad precedent for land-use planning in Marin. The findings of the report would be presented to the Board within a month and would help them make an educated decision on how to proceed.

After you send your message, RSVP to attend tomorrow’s meeting:

Tuesday, January 29, 1:30 PM
Board of Supervisors Chambers, Room 330, Marin County Civic Center
3501 Civic Center Dr #329, San Rafael, CA 94903



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