Get free goodies for choosing 100% renewable electricity!

By Melissa Yu

The benefits of clean energy speak for themselves: a cleaner planet and a guilt-free conscience! But to sweeten the deal even more, the Sierra Club is offering free gear to our members who sign up for the 100% renewable electricity program offered by their electricity supplier.

Electric power is tied with the transportation sector as the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. But choosing an electric service with 100% renewable sources can easily eliminate your electricity-related carbon footprint. Your 100% renewable energy service provides a cost competitive way for you to make that choice —for the average household, it costs between $2 and $5 more than PG&E per month. So sign up today and get your free Sierra Club swag, too!

Here’s how to sign up for 100% renewable electricity:

First: Find your power provider

Nearly every Bay Area electricity customer is now served by a locally run, non-profit Community Choice energy program. Community Choice is the game-changing, planet-saving alternative to the investor-owned utility model (AKA PG&E). Community Choice programs enable cities and counties to pool electricity customers and form a local power agency. Who’s yours?

Second: Sign up

Sign up for your power provider’s 100% renewable electricity program at the URL or phone number above. Make sure to have your PG&E account number handy.

Third: Collect your prize!

Reach out to chapter organizer Melissa Yu at or 510-848-0800 ext. 328 to schedule a time to pick up your choice of a water bottle, backpack, reusable tote bag, t-shirt, or fanny pack (while supplies last).


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