Help spread clean transit buses across the state

The main state agency that oversees air pollution control is set to consider the Innovative Clean Transit Rule to make sure local transit agencies phase out their polluting buses and phase in clean, zero-emission electric buses.

Please help get this rule over the finish line: Send an email today to the California Air Resources Board urging that it adopt the Innovative Clean Transit Rule!

Zero-emission buses are now commercially available and viable. Many transit agencies have already begun adding electric buses to their fleets. But to make sure the technology develops quickly, and that Californians capture the clean air benefits soon, transit agencies need a gentle push. The Innovative Clean Transit Rule will provide that push by setting goals for transit agencies to meet as they replace older buses with new buses on the agencies’ regular purchase schedule.

Email the California Air Resources Board now to urge adoption of the Innovative Clean Transit Rule. Here’s a sample message you can copy and paste into the form:

Subject: "Please Adopt the Innovative Clean Transit Rule"

Message: "I support the Innovative Clean Transit Rule unveiled on August 7. I urge the board to support and adopt that rule before the end of this year. The rule will help deliver clean air across the state. The rule will deliver cleaner air, advance technology, and support good jobs in the burgeoning California electric bus manufacturing sector."

Thanks for your help on this rule.


Photo by Jimmy O'Dea