Alameda County welcomes a clean new energy supplier

By Richard Rollins

Many already know that East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) is the new electric power supplier serving most of Alameda County. EBCE is the result of a five-plus-year effort by Alameda County’s elected officials to create an alternative to PG&E, the incumbent investor-owned utility. EBCE is a non-profit, locally controlled public agency designed to serve our local community. Its non-profit status means that customers and our community will benefit in multiple ways:

  • Cleaner, greener power at lower rates than PG&E
  • Energy-related services tailored to our county’s needs
  • Ratepayer money invested here in Alameda County

EBCE service to commercial ratepayers began in June of this year; service to residential customers begins in November. While PG&E will still be responsible for "poles and wires," EBCE will procure your power and manage its energy service programs.

In July, EBCE’s Board of Directors (whose members are your elected officials) approved a Local Development Business Plan for EBCE. This plan is the first of its kind in the nation and will accelerate development of clean energy assets within Alameda County. The plan, developed with input from county residents and community groups, will guide EBCE’s programs that provide local economic benefits, such as job creation and community energy programs. The clean energy assets could include local solar and wind energy, battery storage, electric-vehicle charging stations, and new technologies that will help manage Alameda County’s electrical demand. More of our money will stay here to serve our own community!

EBCE offers three distinct power options to ratepayers, one of which is “Renewable 100.” For just a penny per kilowatt-hour more than existing PG&E rates (about $4 more per month for the average customer) we can choose EBCE’s 100% renewable option, which is the perfect combination of “best for the planet” and “best for my community."

For residents of unincorporated Alameda County and the 11 cities that formed EBCE, enrollment is automatic beginning in November. Customers will receive notices prior to enrollment with instructions about how to “opt-out” (stay with PG&E) or choose one of the cleaner options offered by EBCE ("opt up"). You can learn more and opt up today at

Like most Sierra Club members, my household values environmental protections and we’ll be choosing Renewable 100. I hope that you will do the same!

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