Richmond coal-dust ordinance to be introduced Tuesday — Join us!

There's been a big development in the campaign to clean up Richmond's air: With dirty, dusty coal exports ramping up at the Levin Terminal on the Richmond waterfront, Mayor Tom Butt has called on the city council to consider a new ordinance this Tuesday, May 22nd, to protect the community from deadly coal dust pollution.

We need Richmond residents to turn out on Tuesday to tell the city council why you want them to act now to stop coal dust pollution. Are you concerned that you or your kids will get asthma (or worse) from breathing coal dust? Are you tired of filthy coal dust coating your house and yard? Do you worry what constant coal shipments are doing to your property values? Please come out this Tuesday and tell your story!

DATE: Tuesday, May 22
TIME: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: Community Services Building, 440 Civic Center Plaza Richmond, CA 94804 (map)

Newly revealed data show that in 2017, the Levin terminal shipped over 1.1 MILLION metric tons of coal. That's a 300% increase over 2016 coal shipments. And the terminal is on track to exceed that amount this year.

The Levin Terminal brings in coal in open-top rail cars that travel through our community and many others. Between the mines and the port, up to 500 pounds of coal can be lost in the form of dust from each rail car. Once the coal reaches the waterfront terminal, it's heaped in massive open-air piles that the wind and rain can carry into the air and Bay waters. 

Coal dust — as well as diesel exhaust from coal trains and cargo ships — can cause serious long-term health problems like lung and heart disease and cancer. The wide ranging health dangers of coal dust include exposure to toxic heavy metals like mercury and increased rates of asthma, especially in children.

Richmond deserves clean, healthy air. Please come out on Tuesday to urge the city council to seize this moment and protect our community.

Photo: Coal stacked at the Levin Richmond Terminal, courtesy CBS San Francisco  

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