Tell the Trump administration to stop pumping more water out of the San Francisco Bay Delta

By Kyle Jones

The days of an executive branch that listens to science are sorely missed.

Despite evidence that the San Francisco Bay Delta needs more water to thrive, the Trump Administration is recklessly trying to pump more water out of the largest estuary on the West Coast.

This proposal by the Bureau of Reclamation will only lead to further decline of the Delta, increasing salinity and leading to the extinction of the Delta Smelt and our iconic salmon runs.

Pumping more water south will exacerbate the current water quality problems and endangered species concerns that we have today. The only way to save the Delta is to increase the amount of freshwater that flows through it.

Much work needs to be done to help the Delta, while moving those dependent on its water to more sustainable water solutions that provide resiliency, such as conservation and water recycling. Just giving away more water from the beleaguered ecosystem isn’t the answer.

What You Can Do

Use our easy message system to tell Trump’s Bureau of Reclamation that you oppose their efforts to sell out the San Francisco Bay Delta. We need more water for the health of the estuary, not more exports to prop up unsustainable water use.

It’s critical we fight to protect our ecosystems from further exploitation. Please tell Trump his plans don’t hold water.


Photo: courtesy Restore the Delta

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