Divestment movement puts pressure on fossil fuel financers

Join us for a November 30th rally at Wells Fargo's San Francisco headquarters!

During the height of the activism against the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL), the Standing Rock Sioux called on environmental groups to raise awareness about Wells Fargo’s funding of this egregious project and urge our members and supporters to move their money away from Wells Fargo. From the route’s threats to Native communities’ water supplies to the violence unleashed on peaceful protesters along the route, DAPL was just the most recent example of how Native people and communities of color are often disproportionately impacted by the construction of dirty fossil fuel infrastructure. 

As long as big banks like Wells Fargo continue to provide large-scale financing for fossil fuel extraction and pipelines, these communities and our climate will continue to suffer.

Out of this call from our Indigenous allies grew a nationwide campaign to stop banks like Wells Fargo from supporting fossil fuels by moving our own money into more responsible financial institutions and calling on our local governments to do the same. The Sierra Club is cutting ties to financial institutions that fund the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), Keystone XL, and other high profile fossil fuel projects. We are divesting from Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and PNC Financial.

Wells Fargo is feeling the heat. Now is the time to keep the pressure up and send a message to big banks that there are consequences for their socially irresponsible actions, and that investing in dirty fossil fuel projects is bad business.

On November 30th you have an opportunity to put pressure on Wells Fargo: Join us and other local partners at noon for a rally in front of Wells Fargo's world headquarters to deliver the message that they will continue to be held publicly accountable for their investments.

WHAT: Rally at Wells Fargo's world headquarters to demand the company stops funding dirty fossil fuel projects like the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines
DATE: Thursday, November 30th
TIME: Noon to 1 pm
WHERE: Wells Fargo headquarters, 1 Montgomery Street, San Francisco
RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/divestwellsfargo



Photo: Guerrilla street painting outside Wells Fargo headquarters at a November rally led by Idle No More and allies. Photo courtesy Peg Hunter via Flickr Creative Commons.


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