Volunteers needed to help plan annual awards gala

The David Brower Dinner is the Bay Chapter’s annual awards gala to raise funds for the organization’s work to explore, enjoy and protect the environment of the Bay Area. The event consists of a reception with silent auction, followed by a sit-down dinner with awards and speaking program. This year’s David Brower Dinner is planned for early-mid September 2017.

To make this event a success we need your help! If you're interested in any of the following volunteer positions, contact Jennifer Ong at drjenniferong@gmail.com or (510)521-0551.

Silent Auction Captain(s)

The silent auction captain(s) will lead outreach efforts for the silent auction portion of the event. The coordinator(s) will have the opportunity to get to know many of the Bay Chapter’s local business supporters and help raise funds at our biggest fundraiser of the year.

Role and responsibilities:

  • Create and implement silent auction plan for the event
  • Solicit auction items from past donors and new donors in-person, over the phone, or by email
  • Coordinate collection of items that need to be picked up
  • Maintain documents and processes for future events
  • Set up online silent auction website on biddingowl.com
  • Oversee and direct day-of silent auction event set-up, bidder check-out, and clean-up

Qualities that will make this job fun for you:

  • You are detail oriented
  • You have computer/internet skills and know how to use Google Docs, particularly Sheets (similar to Excel)
  • You may have experience with planning and implementing a large-scale event (but it’s ok if you don’t)
  • You are comfortable making solicitations of local businesses, artists, restaurants, and more
  • You are a strong communicator, both verbally and via email
  • You can work independently
  • You know what kinds of things will be popular with our audience (cool restaurants, hot artists, fun travel deals, etc.)

Commitment and timeline: March through September

  • Attend monthly committee meetings
  • Work and plan independently
  • Meet semi-weekly by phone/in person 
  • Staff event in September from approximately noon to 10pm
  • Estimated time commitment: 1 to 4 hours per week

Sponsorship Captain(s)

The sponsorship captain(s) will assist in the solicitation of table sponsorships. Captains will have the opportunity to get to know many of the Bay Chapter’s biggest supporters and help raise funds at our biggest fundraiser of the year.

Role and responsibilities:

  • Update contact info and add prospects to sponsor list
  • Solicit sponsorships in person, over the phone, or by email, either via cold call or through personal contacts
  • Clearly communicate timelines and event info to prospective sponsors
  • Perform regular follow-up on outstanding solicitations (phone banking, primarily, or email)

Qualities that will make this job fun for you:

  • You know a lot of people
  • You have computer/internet skills and know how to use Google Docs, particularly Sheets (similar to Excel)
  • You may have experience with planning and implementing a large-scale event (but it’s ok if you don’t)
  • You are comfortable making solicitations of local businesses, elected representatives, individuals, and non-profits
  • You are a strong communicator, both verbally and via email
  • You can work independently, but are good at keeping team members updated and in-the-loop
  • You know how to “sell” the Sierra Club and inspire folks to donate

Commitment and timeline: March through September

  • Attend monthly committee meetings
  • Work and plan independently
  • Meet semi-weekly by phone/in-person
  • Staff event in September from approximately 12pm – 10pm
  • Estimated time commitment: 1-4 hours per week, with the higher end as the event approaches

Engagement/Entertainment Captain(s)

The engagement/entertainment captain(s) will help brainstorm and implement ideas that will make the event unique and enjoyable for guests. This may include identifying live music or artists to perform at the event, fun activities (photobooth, petition signing, etc.), interesting décor, and, most importantly, helping to secure a keynote speaker if need be.

Role and responsibilities:

  • Identify engagement/entertainment needs
  • Contact relevant contractors, speakers, service providers, or artists for quotes
  • Coordinate collection of items that need to be picked up the day of the event
  • Maintain documents and processes for future event
  • Oversee and direct day-of set-up of activity stations or decor

Qualities that will make this job fun for you:

  • You enjoy local music or local art, and may be a bit crafty
  • You have computer/internet skills and know how to use Google Docs, particularly Sheets (similar to Excel)
  • You may have experience with planning and implementing a large scale event (but it’s ok if you don’t)
  • You are comfortable making solicitations of local businesses, artists, and more
  • You are a strong communicator, both verbally and via email
  • You can work independently
  • You know what kinds of things will be popular with our audience

Commitment and timeline: March through September

  • Attend monthly committee meetings
  • Work and plan independently
  • Meet semi-weekly by phone/in-person
  • Staff event in September from approximately noon to 10 pm
  • Estimated time commitment: 1 to 4 hours per week

Communications Co-Captain(s):

The communications captain(s) will work with chapter leaders to ensure that the event is properly publicized through pieces in our Yodeler newsletter and blog, website, email communications, mail pieces (if necessary), online event calendars, social media, and any other relevant communications channels.

Role and responsibilities:

  • Write newsletter articles, email blasts, and/or social media posts
  • Contact relevant online event calendars to list our event
  • Maintain documents and processes for future events

Qualities that will make this job fun for you:

  • You have a background in marketing, communications, or journalism
  • You have computer/internet skills and know how to use Google Docs, particularly Sheets (similar to Excel)
  • You may have experience with planning and implementing a large-scale event (but it’s ok if you don’t)
  • You are a strong communicator, both verbally and via email
  • You can work independently
  • You know what kinds of messages will resonate with our audience

Commitment and timeline: March through September

  • Attend monthly committee meetings
  • Work and plan independently
  • Meet semi-weekly by phone/in-person 
  • Staff event in September from approximately noon to 10pm
  • Estimated time commitment: 1-4 hours per week


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