Go 100% renewable to celebrate El Cerrito’s 100th anniversary!

By Rebecca Milliken

El Cerrito has a lot to be proud of this year. Not only is it celebrating its 100th anniversary, the city has become one of California’s environmental leaders, providing residents and businesses with cleaner electricity choices. El Cerrito residents can celebrate and grow their city's environmental achievements by choosing 100% renewable energy service from solar, wind, and biogas sources for your home or business through Marin Clean Energy's Deep Green program.

About $5 more per month* for 100% renewable energy can eliminate over a ton of greenhouse gas pollution in a year — that’s like not filling your gas tank 15 times! Deep Green is an affordable and easy way to make a big difference for the planet and generations to come.

Click here to enroll in Deep Green today!

El Cerrito's 100 for 100 initiative

As the City of El Cerrito celebrates its 100th anniversary, the City’s volunteer-based Environmental Quality Committee (EQC) is using the yearlong celebration as an opportunity to promote a greener, more sustainable future. The EQC partnered with MCE to launch the 100 for 100 initiative, encouraging residents and businesses alike to opt up to 100% renewable energy service to celebrate El Cerrito’s 100th!

EQC volunteers are serving as Deep Green Ambassadors at City Centennial events — dances, talks, film screenings, walking tours, and more — throughout the yearlong celebration. They will be raising awareness about the benefits of MCE’s Deep Green 100% renewable energy option, and the electricity choices available to El Cerrito residents and businesses.

By choosing 100% renewable energy, El Cerrito customers are helping the city reach its climate action goals and supporting a cleaner, greener planet for future generations. Average Deep Green households eliminate approximately 2,417 pounds of polluting greenhouse gas emissions in one year. That’s like avoiding 2,628 miles in traffic! Better yet, Deep Green keeps giving more green back to the planet. Half of the revenue from the Deep Green premium funds the development of local renewable energy projects.

Among MCE member communities, El Cerrito is proud to have the second highest percentage of Deep Green customers; yet, there is still a huge opportunity to grow our renewable energy community in El Cerrito and beyond. Given the current political climate, we’re grateful for the opportunity to make positive change locally through our 100 for 100 initiative, and proud to be celebrating our energy options this year!

*Deep Green costs a penny more per kilowatt-hour ($0.01/kWh) than standard MCE Light Green 50% renewable energy service. The Deep Green cost varies according to how much energy you use. The typical home spends $4.63 on Deep Green per month. Learn more about Deep Green.



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