In-district lobbying: not as hard as you think

By Meg Gunderson

California has been a leader in the fight against pollution—including climate pollution—and in clearing the path for renewable energy, energy efficiency, advanced auto technology and more.

That leadership is more important than ever now as the federal government’s agenda shifts toward enabling dirty energy. One way to help California stay in the lead is to encourage our state legislators to continue doing the right thing, over and over again, through activist lobbying in their home districts. They need to hear from their constituents at home that they should support legislation that advances our goals to preserve the environment and public health.

It’s not as hard as you might think. Teaming up with Sierra Club California, you can be an activist lobbyist in your own backyard.

Sierra Club California has an “In-District Lobbying” effort that is a chance for activists from around the state to have a positive impact on statewide environmental priorities without leaving the comfort of their home region.

It’s an opportunity to build confidence in your activist skills as well as grow relationships with other activists, legislators, and their district staff.

We want Sierra Club volunteers from around the state to feel included, consulted, and engaged in the legislative process. You don’t have to have prior knowledge of the legislative process; interest and willingness to learn are all that’s required.  Sierra Club California will offer resources and direction.

This year, we’re starting our in-district lobbying efforts with a focus on a few key legislators during the legislative Spring Break, April 10-14.  And now is the time to get involved.

If this sounds appealing to you, contact

We’ll make it easy and energizing for you to participate.

You can get a head start by visiting our website’s advocacy page,